Perfect son in law

This striker is not so young, but Europe seriously recognizes him only now. Still, shining in the Dutch eredivisie is far from the same as being visible in Liverpool. We are about Dirk Keith, who played a key role in Saturday's Merseyside victory over Chelsea.

Before the start of this season, the first for Keith in England, many evaluated his Liverpool prospects very restrained, believing that the Dutchman is not good enough for the “reds”. But Dirk did not flinch in the competition and quickly took on the first roles in the ensemble of Rafa Benitez. He has already won nine goals in the championship - a decent result.

The 26-year-old native of the town of Katwijk is not used to shame skeptics. Keita cannot be called a “kissed god” - he achieved everything in his life with hard work. “Many years ago, I witnessed Keith’s debut as part of Utrecht,” recalls reputable journalist Johan Derksen. surprised me many more times ... "

With Utrecht, Kate became the owner of the Holland Cup (in 2003), from this club he was first invited to the national team. The eminent teams began the hunt for the scorer, and Dirk chose the Feyenoord. As it happened, skeptics reactivated on this occasion. But Dirk’s alliance with an elite club has become one of the most successful eredivisie in recent history.

The forward spent only three seasons in Rotterdam, but turned into a real symbol of the team. And not only thanks to 71 goals. The fact is that “Feyenoord” in the Netherlands is considered a “national” team, mostly working people are rooting for it. Fans of Rotterdam traditionally favor not so much creators and virtuosos as workhorses. And Kate fit perfectly into the image of such a role model. Feyenoordovtsa "in the heart and kidneys," as they say in Holland, the fans idolized Dirk, wearing a captain's armband over time.

Gradually, Kate made his way into the main clip of the “orange” team - and players who reach this level usually do not linger in eredivisie. It's time to think about the transfer and Dirk. After the World Cup in Germany, Feyenoord received a lot of offers - in the summer almost every day, Dutch news sites reported that Kate was about to sign a contract with one of the leading clubs in England. “Manchester United”, “Arsenal”, “Liverpool”, “Newcastle”, “Tottenham Hotspur” - who just did not pretend to be a Dutch goalscorer.

However, time passed, the transfer market was curtailed, and the striker remained in Rotterdam. Fans, already resigned to the inevitable loss of an idol, were inspired, deciding that he remains. But in the end, an agreement with Feyenoord succeeded Liverpool, and for 13 million euros, Kate moved to the English Channel.

He dreamed about this transfer. In the Netherlands, the English Premier League may well be compared in popularity to its own championship. Many Tulip Country fans cheer for Manchester United, Chelsea or Arsenal almost as passionately as Ajax or Feyenoord. The Dutch generally sympathize with the British. Perhaps the point is the mental similarity, as well as the fact that most of the Dutch, thanks to regular viewing of English-language television programs in the original language with subtitles, speak English well. In short, a lot of eredivisie football players strive to go for a long pound, and the most talented ones succeed.

Apparently, Kate is happy in Liverpool. He regularly enters the field, scores, he is trusted by the coach and partners. The Anfield Road stands, before which he regularly makes laps of honor, have already fallen in love with him. The other day, Dirk said that he wants to perform in his current club until the end of his career. This, however, provoked the indignation of fans of “Feyenoord”. After all, leaving, Kate vowed, in a few years, to return to Rotterdam, which became his family.

However, it is in the character of the striker to say what is expected of him at the moment. The image of Dirk has long been established as a right, positive guy, avoiding conflicts and harsh criticism of anything. This is "Mister Nice Guy", which is always restrained, amiable and correct. “He's just a perfect son-in-law!” The soccer player’s father-in-law exclaimed once on television. This “correctness” resonates with the fans. According to a survey conducted during the 2006 World Cup, it was Keith who was named the most popular footballer of the Dutch national team. Representing then “Feyenoord”, he was ahead of the more, seemingly authoritative van der Sarah, van Persie, Koku, Robben, van der Wart ...

However, there is another opinion on this. Here is what the already mentioned football journalism master Johan Derksen writes: “I perceive Keith as a football player, but not as a person. He is too perfect in everything - an ideal son, son-in-law, husband, father, neighbor and colleague. But, in my opinion, that's all it’s playable and insincere, because it’s simply impossible to be so good in life. It seems to me that Dirk is an outstanding demagogue, abusing pathos. national team not on w weave angry, when once again hear his sweet talk into the microphone. "

Perhaps our hero really pays special attention to his image. But the main thing is that he remains a brilliant forward. So far, Kate has proved himself more at the club level than in the national team. As part of the “orange”, he held only one major tournament - the 2006 World Cup, and even then without much brilliance. But now that Marco van Basten is at odds with Ore van Nistelrooy, Keith’s role in the center of the attack has increased. However, Klas-Jan Huntelar and young Ryan Babel can play in the place of the center forward. So Dirk’s competition is serious. He, however, can play on any of their attack flanks - although this is not his favorite position.

Be that as it may, on February 7 the defenders of the Russian national team need to be on their guard. The Dutch attack is traditionally strong, and Kate is one of its significant elements.

For Guus Hiddink, however, this is not news. Speaking for the “Feyenoord”, Dirk repeatedly upset PSV, led by the current mentor of the Russians.


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