Georgy Peev: “I do not hide what I walked”

Perm “Amkar” made its first major acquisition - Bulgarian midfielder Georgy Peev moved from Dynamo Kiev. The legionnaire has already made a good impression on the leadership of the team, and in an interview with Sport Today, he disowned the label of a professional violator of the regime.

- To move to Russia from the Ukrainian championship has always been considered prestigious. True, if the player does not play for Dynamo Kyiv (Kiev) or Shakhtar. You probably regard the transition to Perm “Amkar” as a downgrade?

- I have already said that you can not compare teams such as Dynamo (Kiev) and Amkar. But I moved to Russia because I think this championship is much stronger than the Ukrainian one. And I’m interested in trying myself, testing my strength. Moreover, here they will give me a chance for this.

- Didn’t you give Dynamo?

- I spent four years in Kiev - these are my best times. But recently, he didn’t play, he didn’t make the base. The lease started. He spent some time at the Dnieper. This did not suit me. In addition, the president of Dynamo made it clear that he did not need me. And when the option with Amkar appeared, I was very happy.

- Did you even hear about this team?

- From friends. I know that the club has my compatriots. And they help at first, for which I am grateful to them. But something in the new club bothers me.

- What exactly?

- The team does not claim to solve serious problems in the national championship. Ambitions are not the same as they were in Kiev, goals are not like that. I do not like it. I hope that this year Amkar will be stronger.

- And yet, why did you choose Perm? Just because there are other Bulgarians in the team?

- But this is very important for a football player. The faster the athlete adapts, the more benefits he can bring.

- But, on the other hand, the Urals. Cold edge.

- Moving to Amkar is a serious test, you are right. But I am not afraid of difficulties. He came to play football. I hope that in the championship I will regularly go on the field. And I can return to the national team of Bulgaria. And then in our family there will be peace.

- And what were the problems?

- This whole situation in Dynamo Kyiv pretty spoiled the mood. All my failures in football were reflected in the home. I did not want this, but it happened. There were family troubles.

- George, they say that you like to break the regime. What do you prefer not training, but time in night clubs. And honestly, this is the only thing that has been heard about you in the last year.

“What they say is a lot of stupidity.” Yes, I was fined in one evening. And I do not hide that I was walking then. But listen, that season I was not declared either in the Champions League or in the championship of Ukraine. Generally played for the second team. I think there were other reasons for the fine. Let's figure it out. The guards of our club president saw that I left the base on the evening of the 22nd. By the way, I did not drink alcohol or cigarettes. There were eight days left until the next match. The fact is that I was not announced for the match of the Champions League on the 26th, nor for the game of the 31st championship. My next match was for the second team on the 30th.

- Then really strict.

- That I can’t go anywhere eight days before the match? I am a young man, I can walk as I want. And in general, I am a professional, I understand perfectly how to prepare for the match. Naturally, three days before the game you will not see me anywhere, I observe the regime.

- Yes, you can go somewhere and a day before the game. The main thing is that this does not affect your actions.

- Ask any coach - does he have a complaint about me? I have always had the best performance among all Dynamo players. Even if I walked, it had no effect. Moreover, that day I was seen with another Dynamo footballer. But he was not fined. So they just wanted to punish me. And, I assure you, Rashid Rakhimov should not worry about my discipline.

Alexey Shevchenko

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