Ferguson Defense

Defenders of the “Red Devils” Rio Ferdinand, Nemanja Vidic and Wes Brown in an interview with Inside United reveal the secrets of the reliable defense of the Mankunians, draw verbal portraits of each other and find out which of the attackers of the Premier League pulled their soul out of them.

- You always wanted to be the central defenders?

Wes : I’m almost from the moment I was put in defense for the first time. At school, as a rule, you play in all positions, and I liked to attack. But since he began playing for the youth teams of United, he has always acted on the defensive.

Vida : As a child, I always liked to play ahead. But my technique was useless. Therefore, once the coach ordered: “Play in defense. Kill someone! ”(All three burst out laughing.)

Wes : The whole legend!

Rio : In school, I often played in midfield, sometimes in attack. Most guys at this age, I think, prefer the same thing because they dream of goals or at least assists. I was no exception, but once, when I was 14, a mentor put me on the defensive, than just killed me. But since then I mainly play in defense, and this is only a joy to me.

- During training, there is no chance to return to the attacking past?

Rio : Actually not, right?

Wes : Yes, we hardly have the opportunity.

Rio : Training is a very serious thing, so such experiments are very rare. Moreover, I will say frankly: we do not change our roles at all. Unfortunately.

- From which of the central defs did you take an example in adolescence?

Vida : I sympathized with Crvene Zvezda, which in the 91st won the Intercontinental Cup. In its composition there were many good players. But at that time, I repeat, I wanted to become a striker, so I liked the football scorers - forwards or midfielders. I did not pay much attention to the defenders. So among them, I confess, I had no idols. I liked such outstanding football players of Crvena as Dejan Savichevich and Robert Prosinechka, who could score a goal and decide the outcome of the meeting alone.

Rio : Same story with me. In childhood, I think everyone is attracted to football players who are able to turn the course of the match with one blow. It was a pleasure to watch the game of talents such as Maradona, Gazza and John Barnes. I was drawn to these players, because they skillfully handled the ball. But I admired the game of Franco Barezi from Milan. By that time, I had not yet become a defender, so I did not equal this role to the players. But the game Barezi, which was the personification of quality, could not notice.

Wes : As a kid, I loved watching Danny Wallace play at United. Among the defenders was really impressive Gary Pallister, and still a very good defense player, I think, was Tony Adams. Both were fast, and it seemed they were always the first to catch the ball. But players of other roles I still liked more. In my opinion, Paul Ince was a real ringleader. Omnipresent, flying in tackles and screaming at the top of his mouth - it was great to watch his game. I liked his zeal and many United fans too.

- Describe each other's game qualities.

(All three think and look at each other with worried faces.)

Wes : Hmm ...

Rio : Bad question.

Wes : Okay ... Rio - he knows exactly what he's doing. Good at working with the ball.

Rio : The beginning is good!

Wes : Fast, difficult. Ask any striker, and they will confirm to you that it is very difficult to beat him one to one. View ...

Vida : And really a bad question.

Wes : Vida is a solid, tough defender. Strong on the second floor; fight with him - you will find out. His coach correctly said: he plays as if he wants to kill someone (All three laugh.)

Rio : Wes is a cool, effortless ball player. Despite the irregular entry into the composition, it is always comfortable to play with him. Stronger than him in the martial arts of football players, I think, there is not much. After a duel with him, the striker always loses. It also captivates its versatility. From Vida, you can always expect a stable, reliable and dedicated game. These are indeed some of the toughest defenders in modern football.

Vida : Oh, okay ...

Rio : What the hell is that “ooh” ?!

Vida : Okay. Rio is very confident. With a ball on “you,” in the air he’s good, physically strong, sharp. Many suggest what is important for defense partners. His poise inspires peace. What else ... Everything's like (All three are laughing.) Wes is a smart player, good on the second floor. I am impressed that he, like Rio, does not lose his position after air duels. Wes is fast, physically sturdy, and gives a good pass from both legs. Both are great defenders. All in all, I have a very high opinion of Rio and Wes because they are good guys. When I joined Manchester United a year ago, they accepted me into the team as a native. Thank you guys!

Rio : No way, Vida.

- Wes and Rio, why did you meet so warmly not just a newcomer, but your direct competitor?

Rio : When you defend the colors of a team like United, you know that you’re not guaranteed a place at the base. The coach immediately makes this clear, and I think everyone understands this. Anyone who crosses the threshold of our home does not remain without support. The locker room has a great atmosphere. If there were online reports from it, you would be sure that there always reigns fun and everyone gets along with each other.

Wes : When you first joined the team, you spoke a little English, didn't you, Vida?

Vida : Yes. But thanks to the guys, adaptation in the team proceeded quite easily.

Rio : Beginners, like Vida, are always given the feeling of comfort and involvement in the team. If someone said something and everyone laughed, then they do not feel like strangers at this festival of humor. And Vida is no exception - he is aware of what is happening. No one feels estranged.

Wes : If a player doesn't speak English very well, he either asks or is told in advance. Vida, for example, gradually came to everything himself and already understands almost everything. Yes, it’s customary to answer everywhere, but, as Rio said, we really get along well. Of course, it can’t do without small groups: the elders with the elders, the younger with the younger, and so on. But all newcomers feel their involvement in the team. And even if we are competitors, we are a single whole, which means we must support each other. We all know that the main thing is how you play. If it’s good, you’ll be in the squad.

- Rio and Vida, you both scored this season. How important is this in terms of team ambitions?

Wes : Hooray, you can not answer me!

Rio : I guess we should score more. If the team wants to really achieve something, then it should not rely only on the sniper abilities of Louis [Saa], Wayne [Rooney] and Cristiano [Ronaldo]. Everyone must be involved. We see that Scholesy fulfills his goal goal, and Giggi contributes. During the corner kick, ours, the defenders, the task is to complicate the life of the opponent to the limit, and if you are lucky, then to score.

Vida : When you score, there is more confidence, and this helps in the game. But actually this is not our job. If we score, it’s good for the team in general, and for us in particular, but first of all we need to pay attention to defense. What we do. And this is one of the keys to the successful performance of Manchester United this season. The armor is strong ...

“But all laurels are usually given to forwards.” Is the work of central defenders underestimated?

Rio : No. In any case, inside the team. It may be underestimated by someone, but such things really don't bother me much. For us, the defenders, there is nothing better than returning home after a game played “to zero”.

Vida : Since we have not been beaten, you can be satisfied: the day has not been spent in vain.

Wes : I agree. If we win - 2: 1, then, as a defense player, I will go home with the thought that we were somewhere underworked. You will not be completely happy with the victory due to the fact that a goal is conceded. But in order to underestimate someone, this is not in our team. This is what is called being one.

Rio : To score goals is perhaps the most difficult thing in football, so the forwards justly get the lion's share of headlines and praise - they deserve it. However, in the conceded goals, for some reason, many are used to blaming the defense and the goalkeeper. But we are defending the whole team! Defense begins with the attackers, pressing the enemy in his half. And scoring goals is a more individual thing.

Wes : Everyone has their own contribution to the game. If you keep the gate dry, then this is great not only for protection; this inspires confidence in midfielders and attackers who can calmly go about their business, knowing that everything is under control in the rear.

- How do you achieve clear interaction in the center of defense?

Wes : Rio and Vida have been playing well lately, including through mutual understanding. If Rio enters the fight for the ball, Vida knows that he needs to be insured.

Vida : Important prompt.

Wes : Yes. And also to know where your defense partners are located, to be able to read their game. It’s good that we have such players as I, Gabi [Heinze] and Mikael [Sylvester], who at any moment can go on the field and not ruin the masses.

- Which of the forwards has caused you the most trouble this season?

Rio : (Thinking.) Honestly, Adebayor.

Wes : I agree.

Rio : He definitely caused us the most anxiety. He is mobile, masterovit. In the first round match, Arsenal controlled the game, and Adebayor was really good.

Wes : He really impressed me too. Good player.

Vida : I find it difficult to answer. There are a lot of really good hitters that are hard to play against. Before each match, I set myself up: "This striker is now the best in the world." While I think so, I play better. And as soon as you start thinking: “It will be easy today,” you immediately relax, and everything falls out of hand.

Rio : The right approach. If you think this guy is a bag, in the game you will have to tight. It doesn’t matter where, in English football or in the world: you go out onto the field with complacency - write in vain. This is not permissible, especially in a club such as Manchester United, where someone is always ready to take your place. And with such cool players in the team, with such competition it is very difficult to return to their previous positions.

Translation by Andrey KARNAUKHOV

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