Vyacheslav Malafeev: "Tired of being an upstart"

The goalkeeper of “Zenith” told the correspondent of “Sport Today”, how it is mastered in a new life - a player in a super club.

- For the first sparring they usually choose opponents weaker. And you are from vacation - and immediately a match with Schalke, on his field.

- You know, there is another problem: Russian clubs at training camps cannot find worthy rivals and play with amateurs. Agreeing on a match with the leader of any of the leading leagues is a great success. Our teams rarely succeed. But I can say for sure: this is the most difficult start of fees for my career. Schalke, Shakhtar, then Crvena - and all for a week. As if already the Champions League. Usually we alternated all wimps with our clubs. And now they don’t even give a break. The first collection is still more difficult than the season itself.

- It is clear that the match was organized by Gazprom. But it’s still hard for the players to play against the leader of the Bundesliga like this, on the move. Have you even had bilaterals?

- Before “Schalke” there were seven trainings and a short two-sided. And that’s all. Even tactful classes were not. The lawyer gave the installation in the locker room, and we remembered the rest from last season.

- So there were other players in the lineup ...

- Newcomers came who are stronger than those who were in their positions before. They did the installation separately.

- And how is the game?

- The guys are very exhausted. And including me. The level of the match was much higher than in the championship of Russia. It seems that we played away in the Champions League: full stands, noise, few stops, even the movements of the players are some other - not those that we have.

- You played with three forwards. Now it will be so constantly?

- Yes. In order to “Zenith” and bought as many players of the attacking plan.

- The lawyer did not change goalkeepers during two matches. Wondering who to make finally "number one"?

- A question with a subfloor. But what, the goalkeeper can not play the whole match, even if he is friendly? Yes, I'm not the first number in Zenith. We don’t have it yet, because the coach has two very equal keeper. And he did not tell us: you are the first, and you are the second. Now in the “Zenith” the first two goalkeepers, if you want. But Advocate wants a permanent "first number." And he will call him based on the results of the training camp. My main task in the preseason is to win a place in the goal against Camil.

- Three years ago, when Zenit took the silver, the club was called the “Russian” Valencia. Like, he could compete with super clubs without big money investments. Remember those romantic times?

- Then we were not “Valencia”, but upstarts. And being them all the time is unpleasant. Tired of constantly snarling at large animals. I want to become healthy and strong ourselves. Now we have more money than other clubs in Russia. That's for sure. We can afford a lot. And set a goal to win the championship. I feel myself working for something powerful. Even my outlook on life has changed slightly because of this: I have become more confident, more ambitious. So, I like to play in the super club rather than in the opening team.

- Petrzhela is not remembered?

- He reminds of himself! It behaves incorrectly: it constantly gives interviews where it criticizes Russian football. What does he care about now? I would be silent in his place.

- How did it happen that the coach, whom the Afisha. St. Petersburg magazine (note, the entertainment edition) recognized as the person of the year in the city, was anathema? And the Zenit fans themselves ...

- All this did not happen in a second. He really screwed up. He came up with a game for the team and was sure that it would always produce results. But football and rivals are changing. And a trait of a Russian character manifested itself: Petersburg fans first lifted it to heaven, and then began to pour mud. And so it can happen to anyone. If a football player or a coach does it, they will forget about past feats instantly. I do not want to discuss his affairs with the casino and other rumors. The person was fined - and now they make up jokes about him. By the way, I don’t laugh at them.

- And who tells them?

- People from St. Petersburg. But I do not want to talk about it.


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