Anatoly Byshovets: “In the first five minutes of the meeting they understood everything”

The head coach of Lokomotiv Anatoly Byshovets did not guarantee anyone a place in the squad, delimited his authority with Yuri Semin and ordered the construction of a basketball court on the territory of the base.

- You held the first club meeting. What was he talking about?

- He said he was glad to see the guys. I heartily congratulated them on the holiday and offered to extend this holiday for two years. And still achieve the solutions to the tasks that are set before us.

- Have you signed any contracts with any of the newcomers?

- Not yet, but all this will happen in working order.

- And didn’t they sign with Sergey Gurenko?

- A contract will be signed with him. But for Eric Korchagin viewing is possible. More truly, not even viewing - I inaccurately expressed myself. We do not yet have medical examination data for this football player. It is necessary to solve these purely technical issues. And, of course, there will be a trip to the camp in Portugal. There we will decide.

- That is, no one will officially become a team rookie before Portugal?

- We will arrive in Portugal and there we will solve the problems in the working order.

- Will you also decide there whether to renew contracts with someone or not?

“I think you understood correctly.”

- Have you found a common language with Yuri Semin?

- With Yuri Pavlovich? Everything is fine with us, as with other leaders. We discussed the problems that are. These are issues of organization, strategy, development, club philosophy. As well as moments related to the team. The functions are separated. And everyone is responsible for their work area.

- At the meeting with the club management were the tasks for the season defined?

- The tasks are maximum, both in the championship and in matches for the UEFA Cup.

- What are your primary goals?

- To bring to the attention of everyone what tasks the club faces. It's not just about football players and coaches. It is necessary to improve the organization of the club, management. Only in unity can a result be achieved. There must be an atmosphere of unity. It is impossible without this.

- Naturally, players will have to adapt to your requirements, get used to the new headquarters. How much time do you think they will need?

“I think that in the first five minutes of the meeting, they understood everything that was required of them.” It seems to me that the players know very well what awaits them.

- And what?

- A very difficult season. This championship must be held successfully.

- How ready is the club to solve serious problems?

- As for the club, we need to improve the material base. We need a playpen so we can work. In Bakovka you need to build a basketball court and a tennis court. The organization of the club needs to be improved. But this is a question for Yuri Pavlovich. And if we talk about the team, we need to strengthen some positions.

- What kind?

- In defense, in the middle and in attack. And you need to think about the position of the goalkeeper in order to create good competition there.

- Did you discuss with Yuri Semin the degree of his intervention in the life of the team?

- What interference? Where?

- In the training process.

- He, as a former coach, understands perfectly well that this is impossible.

Alexey Shevchenko

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