Andriy Shevchenko: "The world has lost a sense of proportion"

Chelsea striker received the correspondents of Italian La Gazzetta dello Sport in London and gave them an exclusive interview.

On the table is a pile of British tabloids, his defeated enemies.

“I would never have thought that journalists would be my enemies.” They do their job, I do mine. Previously, I naively imagined life as a straight line. In the sense that I always know the goal and never change it, even if every day I have to fall and rise. This happens in the life of every person. And I'm sure the players are no different in this regard. I am unlike the others only in what I do on the football field. Beyond, I am just like everyone else.

A normal person, Andrei Shevchenko, has been moving towards his normality for several months, until he began to score again. On Tuesday, he spent two goals against Wycombe in the semifinals of the English League Cup. And we immediately saw the former Andrei. This happened as swiftly as he is about to go to the golf course.

- Still, I almost do not play golf. There is absolutely no time. After all, with two young children in their arms is always full of different things. They cannot be simply taken and put aside.

- How is your life in London?

- Nothing unusual. Like any other family man. My wife and I walk around the city, sometimes we have dinner together with teammates. But, of course, most of my free time is occupied by family and home, my wonderful children are Jordan and Christian, who is only a few months old. This is what is now at the center of my life. And, if I can afford to say so, it seems to me that the world has now lost a sense of proportion.

- You want to say that we began to pay attention only to what is not the most important thing in life?

- That's right. There are monstrous problems and minor problems. And the monstrous does not touch you, until trouble knocks on your door. A couple of weeks ago, my closest friend in Italy had a serious problem with her son. I really want to be with him at this difficult moment and convince him that everything will be fine in the end. You see, the point is not only in my children, or the son of my friend, or the health of other people whom you love. The bottom line is in a world that has changed a lot lately. For the worse. War, famine, environmental problems. This is what is much more important to do, what you need to try to change. I try whenever I can, and I believe that the goal of any person should be continuous self-improvement and faith. Italy is the center of Catholicism. And it is very felt on the Apennines. But at the same time, people are discussing a lot about trifles and do not want to talk about what really matters.

- And you would not want to become a politician in order to more actively influence the problems that concern you?

- Once I already decided who to be, and became a football player. And still I do not regret it. It is in this lesson that I am now focused more than ever. Football still brings me pleasure and gives status in society. I'm trying to do something for Ukrainian children with the help of my charity foundation. I’m trying to get back to the usual level of the Chelsea core player. I try not to be distracted by anything else.

- They say you can be part of Chelsea’s management.

- It is not true. I have never thought about what I will do after the completion of a player’s career. I have a contract until 2010. It seems to be a rather distant date.

- Silvio Berlusconi is constantly feeding rumors about your possible return to Milan.

- President Berlusconi is a person who is forever in my heart. However, like all managers, players and typhosis of “Milan”. Like all of Italy, which I love very much. But now all my life is connected only with England.

- What do you like about the English?

- If we talk about football, then their education is in stadiums. Here, the audience, together with the players, becomes part of the overall performance. In Italy, it’s completely different. And not only because the fans are separated from the football field by barriers. The whole question is in culture. Here, the players are deservedly respected for their talent, but at the same time they remain only part of the team. In the same way, doctors in England deserve respect for the person who cleans the streets. I really like that kind of universal respect.

- And what do you miss from what was in Italy?

- Oh, a lot! Friends, the country that shaped me as a person. I recently managed to visit Italy only once. Immediately after the World Cup he came to transport things.

- Do you want to come to Italy as part of Chelsea for the Champions League match?

“I don't want to even think about it.” It’s hard to imagine. I would rather not speak on this subject.

- What do you think about Italian football?

- This season was intermediate. But Inter is insanely strong! This year he has not even met with teams of his level, because “Juve” in series B, “Milan” started with big problems. “Roma” shows a very spectacular football, but, unfortunately, does not have a long bench to compete with the leader. And Totti! How is Totti playing now?

- He has some problems with red cards.

- Great player. Like Kaka. I’m sure Ricky will stay in Milan for a long time. He really wants to spend another winning cycle with the team.

- As for the cycles, let's go back to Inter. Is he able to usher in a new era?

- At least, Inter has everything for this. Great players, a good coach, building a favorable environment around. But only the next season can confirm all this. Nevertheless, Mancini has already done a great job.

- So he can leave a mark on football? “Inter” Mancini will be like “Milan” Sacchi or “Barcelona” Ricardo?

- And why do not you call "Milan" Ancelotti? After all, we had a period when everyone won.

- It was because of this that you wanted to bring Ancelotti to Chelsea ...

“It was copied from one Russian site, and I never said that.” I never interfere with issues that are the responsibility of the club management. Those who know me know this. Someone maybe likes this, I don't. I just play football.

“Your relationship with Mourinho has become very complicated.” What the Chelsea coach sometimes says doesn't make you happy.

“I don't care what the newspapers reproduce.” Mourinho is my coach. He has his own style. And it is I who must adapt to the team, and not vice versa.

- Of course. Ronaldo's relationship with Capello was much worse. Did the Brazilian do the right thing by choosing Milan? Is Milan doing the right thing by taking it to itself?

- Ronaldo is a great player. He was and remains a phenomenon.

“But he's already thirty years old.”

- If Ronaldo is physically in order, if he retained the desire to play, age does not mean anything. Only self-motivation matters. I am sure that he has no problems with this. I’m thirty already too, but I don’t feel any decline in my career. This topic does not concern Ronaldo yet. If “Milan” invited him, it means that he realized that the Brazilian is still capable of much.

- Maybe “Milan” is trying to give hope to inconsolable fans after the unsuccessful start of the season?

“I only say what I believe in.” Ronaldo is one of the best football players in the world. He was and remains. And for fans of “Milan” add. This year has been very difficult for you. But he will pass. Patience is required in any business. This tells you a person who is also waiting now and continues to do his work very patiently. As always did.

Translation by George BYCHKOV

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