Waiting for a miracle

For the third year in a row, the national teams of Canada and Russia met in the finals of the youth world championship. For the third year in a row, our guys lost. Thank you for not being as obvious as the two previous finals. Although this, perhaps, is not easier.

To tell you the truth, I didn’t really believe that the Russian team would win this final. There was hope, where would she be without her. And it was believed - with difficulty. Because this team, although it managed to fall in love with us in the first five matches, made the rivals respect themselves, yet it did not look so powerful as to stop the Canadians. Those Canadians who simply had no equal at two previous world championships. Canadians who did not leave stone unturned from ours in the finals of 2005 and 2006. Canadians, who, in the end, before the third final against the Russian team won 17 consecutive victories! ..

And after all, they started quite well. We played almost equal, created moments. The indefatigable Igor Makarov even came face to face with the future best goalkeeper and MVP of the championship Carey Price. Yes, the defender interfered very actively. He didn’t let him score, and he dropped it on the ice so that our striker did not land softly. Fortunately, there were no injuries.

The impression has already begun to build up that this game will not be productive, just as the match for bronze between the Swedes and the Americans has failed. But here Canadians began to score ...

Andrew Kolyano without interference closes the post after passing on the left edge of the defender Mark Staal. Piglet number one. Brian Little plays on finishing, and before that, Semyon Varlamov repulsed a dangerous shot by Chris Letang. Piglet number two. And again a long throw, again Varlamov takes, again finishing off - now Jonathan Taves.

Deja Vu: 2005th, 2006th ...

The beginning of the second period only strengthens this sensation. Our defense is simply helpless. Against ordinary Canadians who throw, shoot and climb on a nickle and nothing more invented. Not because they do not know how, just there is no need. The fourth puck is made by nimble Downey, who has salted our guys in last year’s finals and Marshand. The first creeps along the edge - and on the patch. The second closes - 4: 0.

And after a few minutes, ours suddenly started. The catalyst was perhaps the goal of Pavel Valentenko in the majority. And his throw was good, and Churilov with Zubov competently blocked the review of Price. Of course, and Canadians after four abandoned washers temper ardor. Before the break, the score could become equal, if ours were as good with the implementation as in previous matches. But they managed to score only once. Again, in the majority - Churilov threw Price into the near corner of a slightly gapeful Price. 4: 2.

Alas, this goal was the last in the match. Although Krysanov at the beginning of the third period, he single-handedly jumped on the goalkeeper, when our three played against five rivals. And the same Churilov had another good moment, and Anikeenko ...

Toward the end of the game, there is already another deja vu. As the first Russian team at the 2005 World Cup, the Canadians lost 0-4, and then almost saved the game. How they slept the first period with the Americans at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City, and heroically recouped - unsuccessfully. It didn’t work out now either.

It was a good team. The fact of reaching the final, the silver medals of the World Cup is a success, no questions asked. And thank her for that silver. It's just that, as you know, silver is not won - gold is lost. That is why a little sad. We were still waiting for a miracle. And it’s a pity that they did not wait.

PS The captain of the Russian national team Vyacheslav Buravchikov scored the winning goal for the Belarusians in the group stage. Hurried ...

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