Igor Akinfeev: “I don’t know if I will stay in CSKA”

The goalkeeper of the champions of Russia in an interview with “Sport Today” - about his possible departure from the club and what was fashionable last season.

- Matches with Israeli “Ashdod” and “Hapoel” will help to better prepare for the European Cup meeting with “Maccabi”?

- We both won big. But the games were difficult. We tried to act very carefully, assembled. It is true that meeting with the Israelis is now more important to us than the rest. We want to thoroughly study how they play in their league. And the future match with Shakhtar is important already for winning the Channel One Cup. Well, there’s more gaming practice. For me, no Russian-Ukrainian “Super Bowls”, as they try to present this game, do not exist. Who is stronger is decided only in European competitions.

- Doesn't it seem that the UEFA Cup now has a weak roster? The impression that the level of the tournament has fallen dramatically.

- Not. This has risen the level of the Champions League. Look at the playoff grid - there are no more sensations there. Unfortunately, we are not there either ... But this is a different topic. Super clubs and those who were favorites in their fours came out of the groups. This is a natural selection - they just eliminated the weak teams in the UEFA Cup. Although for me there are neither strong nor weak clubs. I call everyone rivals. It’s just that Henri plays in one of these teams, but he is not in the second, but another dangerous player is in his place. And then, the level of CSKA has grown a lot. If there are no strong teams left in the UEFA Cup, then this means that we must defeat any of them. We are already waiting for mandatory winnings at Maccabi, Nancy or, for example, Newcastle.

- CSKA did not leave the Champions League group in a favorable situation. Thinking about the reasons?

- I did not find the reasons. But I can say that it is not about flying to Vladivostok. Giner then tried to transfer the game to Moscow so that we would not fly to the ends of the earth before the decisive match. He was not allowed. And if it had succeeded, then regular stones would have flown into our garden. I mean everyone who started a war against CSKA at the end of the season. I don’t know what will be in fashion in the new year. But in the past it was fashionable to pour mud at our club. Many journalists, players of other clubs, fans scolded us after every word or deed. Gazzaev said something - immediately with hostility. Giner did something - the same thing. They criticized me ... But I love it, it helps me. The more criticism I have, the better. And if she is stupid, then I laugh back.

- Was it firmly decided that you will spend your home game with Maccabi in Vladikavkaz?

- Nope, it’s still not clear.

- And where is better?

- To me - in Vladikavkaz, it's warmer there. I endure a bad cold. I would not want to stand at the goal in Moscow at "minus 15". Degrees are two or three frosts - and if lower, I’m already uncomfortable playing.

- Your newcomers Ramon and Caner will freeze at this temperature.

- I did not ask them. Only managed to get to know each other. They say that these guys in their homeland suffered from star fever. But in communication I did not notice this. Caner looked at everyone like that, opening his mouth, as if he didn’t believe that he had come to us.

- Is the information correct that you signed with CSKA a new profitable contract until 2010.

- Not. I have a valid contract until 2008 - you must first work it out. I didn’t sign anything else.

- That is, they may not keep you in the current transfer period?

- I don’t know if I will stay in CSKA this season. Maybe I'm leaving now. Maybe in summer. Regarding me a lot of suggestions. But they are all on Giner's table. None of the buyers contacted me personally.


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