Kerzhakov's competitors

By signing a contract with Seville, Alexander Kerzhakov achieved one goal, but thereby immediately set a new goal - to break into the main club from Andalusia. Who will he compete with?

Frederick Canute

Canute - the best sniper of the championship of Spain on the basis of 16 rounds. This has already said a lot - if Kerzhakov will force out someone from the starting lineup of Seville, then he’s definitely not a Malian. Having moved to Andalusia a year ago from London, where he played for Tottenham Hotspur, Frederick did not immediately become the main scoring in the club. Coach Juande Ramos leaned in an attack on the duet of Saviola - Luis Fabiano, and Canute often entered the game from the bench. Sometimes he did it very successfully: one of the four nails in the Middlesbrough coffin in the UEFA Cup final was driven by precisely the 29-year-old striker.

The main advantages of Kanute with a height of 192 cm are obvious. This is a great game on the second floor and the ability to concentrate on yourself the attention of the defense, thereby freeing up areas for partners. At the same time, despite the impressive dimensions, Kanute is plastic and quirky. His game this season is one of the main arguments of Ramos in the fight for the championship title.

Ernesto Chevanton

The Sevillians bought a 26-year-old Uruguayan this summer - as soon as Sergey Fursenko rejected the first proposal for the sale of Kerzhakov. At that time, it even seemed to many that with the advent of Chevanton, the road to Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan was completely closed for Zenit striker.

The Uruguayan Spanish career began with a minor injury that delayed the debut at the new club for several weeks. Returning, Chevanton twice excelled in the UEFA Cup, but could not become an iron player in the starting lineup. The Sevilts scored an excellent move with a pair of Kanute forwards - Luis Fabiano, and the Sevilla coach did not dare to break it.

As a result, for the first time as part of the examples, Chevanton scored only on December 9th. But what a goal it was! Having replaced in the most important home game with Real Madrid, Ernesto fantastically struck with “scissors” and brought the club a prestigious victory.

By the way, Chevanton moved to Europe in 2001, after an exceptionally successful season in his native Danubio (33 goals in 30 matches!). With a modest Lecce, he rose from Serie B and continued assists in the strongest Italian division. 47 goals in 88 matches is an impressive result of the three years of efforts of the Uruguayan on the Apennines.

His move to Monaco was perceived as a small sensation. Much more logical would be the transition of Chevanton to one of the top Italian teams. However, the striker preferred France and won no special laurels there. A series of injuries and the general crisis of the Monegasques led to the fact that in two years Ernesto's account was replenished with only 20 goals - he used to score so much in one season.

Of the Sevilla forwards, Chevanton is more like Kerzhakov’s game style. Uruguayan can not be called a typical center forward. He used to attack from the depths, using the entire width of the field. However, if he does not dare to stamp goals, as once in his homeland and in Italy, the Russian will probably have the opportunity to prove himself. And not one.

Louis fabiano

The 26-year-old Brazilian is the most controversial figure in the attacking line of Juande Ramos. He scored a lot of goals in the Brazilian championship for Sao Paulo and went to Europe with an excellent resume. But in the Old World, Fabiano still can not use his sniper gift. In his youth, he failed in the French Rennes without scoring a single goal. Then he could not become a leader in attacks on Portuguese land so fertile for his compatriots - as part of Porto. And in a season and a half in Spain he scored 16 times - perhaps, in Seville they counted on more.

However, it is important to mention the extremely unpleasant story that preceded the transition of Luis Fabiano and the Andalusian club. In the summer of 2005, his mother was abducted in Brazil. And this, of course, could not but affect the mental state of the guy.

In any case, the Brazilian does not fulfill the role of the prima attack today. Perhaps this is precisely the chance for Kerzhakov. For the purchase of Alexander, “Seville” was clearly driven by the striking modesty of Luis Fabiano and his predisposition to Chevanton's injuries. If a Petersburger manages to declare himself loudly without a long swing, he can become Frederic Kanute’s main partner.

Kepa Blanco

This is clearly the weakest in the Quartet of Seville forwards. Last year, he was used by Ramos to strengthen the game during the matches, but with the recovery of Chevanton he firmly settled in the reserve. It is not surprising that soon after the announcement of Kerzhakov’s transfer, Kepa announced his intention to leave the club. Apparently, Juande Ramos wants to have four roughly equal class of attackers. But the Russian is still closer in level to Kanouta, Fabiano and Chevanton than the 22-year-old Spaniard.

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