Seven hundred is not a thousand, but have a conscience ...

He is already 36, and for the national team he last played, it seems, in a past life. Of all the "refuseniks" to him the least complaints from the fans. Someone knows, someone guesses, and someone just feels that his guilt is not great. Yes, I made the decision myself, and since then a lot of water has flowed, but ... some people know, others guess, others feel that this is a significant occasion. And ask anyone - who would you like to see in the defense of the Russian team at the next World Cup, abstracting from reality? Most will answer - Zubova.

On the night of Saturday to Sunday, the Dallas played in California against Los Angeles. And by the way, he won, albeit in shootouts. And the 56th issue of Zvezda performed its usual work - it held the defense, helped the attack. In the totality of these two qualities in the entire NHL there are few equal to him - not even today, but over the past fifteen years. And this weekly, in general, match, in which Zubov just as casually gave a couple of assists - his usual routine - went down in history. Because Sergei’s second program - the most ordinary, without a bit of historicity - led him to the mark of 700 points scored in the NHL regular championships. Not a thousand, of course, but have a conscience. Of the Europeans, only two Swedes exceeded this figure - overgrown with legends Bérier Salming and Niklas Lidstrom, who has the same thing ahead.

In the career of Zubov there were very bright seasons. You can recall his second year in the NHL, when he scored 89 points in the regular season and became the top Rangers scorer, ahead of even Mark Messier. Then he won the first of his two Stanley Cups. Or the only season in Pittsburgh - 1995/96 - in which the Penguins had a majority of them just the crazy three Jagr - Lemueux - Francis, and Zubov regularly appeared with them. As that inimitable team managed to hand over the final of the conference to wherever the Florida came from, it still does not fit in my head.

As you wish, but Sergey was supposed to get the second championship ring right then. And I got it in three years. Remember the famous goal of Brett Hull against Dominic Hasek in overtime? Goal that could not be counted - Hull stood with two legs in the goalkeeper and almost hung on the Dominator. The goal, which was counted, and immediately rolled out the carpet for delivery, including the Stanley Cup Tooth ...

Today's Dallas is a team of a new Enhael format. The Europeans do the weather in it, and, for the most part, the Finns. The legality of his place in the playoffs is not in doubt, but is not included in the list of the main contenders for the Zvezda Cup. Exceptionally, by the way, due to the fact that their excellent “regular” goalkeeper Marty Turko in the relegation matches is transformed into a sieve. And the third ring would not hurt Zubov at the end of his career. Although what kind of sunset is it? He is 36 even better than young ones, and is not going to hang skates on a nail yet. But he deserved the beautiful finale of the Teeth. Do not even argue.

* * *

Alexander Ovechkin has no championship rings yet. Except for what Dynamo hockey players were given for winning the 2005 Russian Championship. And, frankly, there is no certainty that he will still have them. Well, absolutely. The reason for this is not at all the level of Washington. The team is definitely progressing, and today it really claims to be in the playoffs. In addition, “Tampa” or “Carolina” also went outsiders in not so long ago times. The overly aggressive manner of playing Ovechkin is to blame. Yes, that's what the fans love him for. He is menacing in all forms - he scores, gives, and pounds his opponents at every opportunity. Just recently, Daniel Brier from Buffalo got a hold of him. From disqualification and revenge on the part of the “Blades” Ovechkin saved an exceptionally big name.

And on Saturday, he sent Peter Forsberg to the infirmary, who only returned from the match with “Washington”. Foppa only managed to organize one goal of the “Pilots”, after which, in the first period, he ran into a hard “hit” Ovechkin. And he didn’t go out on ice anymore. Concussion.

Forsberg is not Brier. Even if there was not even a violation of the rules in that episode. Foppa is already broken-broken, and here he is such a big guy. Well, how will the Swede finish his career? Such conversations have been going on for a long time, but if they are confirmed, then formally this will happen precisely after the “meeting” of Forsberg with Ovechkin. And then revenge from the "Philadelphia" is unlikely to be avoided. No Brashera will save.

And even if this episode gets away, there will be others. It is still inconspicuous that Alexander was about to abandon his usual manner of playing. He has all the data to become an elite sniper, but is swiftly rushing to the career of an elite but power forward too. And this, you know, is fraught. The security forces and gets pretty well. For example, Eric Lindros. After all, it was him who was called The Next One (in a very free translation - Gretsky’s heir). Gretzky, not Gretzky, but his talent allowed him to stand on a par with the best players in league history. And he traded it for dubious pleasure to smear opponents on the sides. Young, hot. I thought he could score and destroy. They forgave him once, forgave the other, and then they began to beat him. Nearly a dozen tremors, and goodbye to The Next One. He plays to this day, but, you can say, at your own peril and risk. Who will begin to sign a long-term contract and pay serious money to a player who can finish his career at any moment?

I really would not want the same fate for Ovechkin. But here it all depends on himself. He will understand that health and career prospects are more important than additional enthusiasm of the public, will make adjustments. I don’t understand, then I can only wish him good luck.

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