Spartak is back unanimously

Hockey club Spartak is back in the Super League, although now it is not clear where it will play. The president of the hockey federation Vladislav Tretyak again failed to find a common language with the club presidents. And the head of the IIHF, Rene Fasel, announced threats from the NHL. The next meeting of Russian hockey clubs was fruitful.

“I am happy, very happy,” said the president of Spartak Vyacheslav Starshinov (pictured) after the meeting. - The excitement before the meeting was, but I am grateful to the team presidents who voted for the inclusion of Spartak in the Super League unanimously.

And indeed - they voted unanimously. Moreover, it was planned that the issue of red and white would be considered among the latter (under the heading “miscellaneous”), but everything had changed before the meeting. They voted for Spartak right away so that no one would worry.

Representatives of various clubs relaxed in the lobby of the Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena. The head coach of Tractor Gennady Tsygurov left, skimping on discussions of the relationship between the NHL and FHR. Rafail Ishmatov (now he trains St. Petersburg Spartak) had a nice conversation with Cyril Fastovsky, General Director of CSKA. None of them wanted to comment on the return to the super league of the “national team”.

“Why comment,” answered the head of the HC MVD Mikhail Buturlin listlessly. - Yes - returned. Yes - they voted unanimously.

- It is unclear how many teams will play in the Super League next season?
“Twenty, I guess.” Or twenty-one. Or nineteen.

He even smiled at these words. Apparently imagined what a mess would be.

Appealing to logic was impossible. We agreed after all that in the next championship will play 18 clubs. But they are now 19. Moreover, rumors are already circulating that Amur and Wings of the Soviets will not leave the Super League at the end of this season. Yes, on the approach Nizhny Novgorod “Torpedo” - a favorite of the championship in the major league. Soon, all Russian hockey teams that are available will play in the Super League.

“Nothing of the kind will happen,” reassured the head of the competition department Nikolay Uryupin. - So far, the official decision sounds like this: next season 18 plus 1 teams will play in the Super League. But it’s not a fact that exactly 19 teams will perform. Perhaps there will be fewer.

“But isn't 18 + 1 a 19?”
- Clubs will undergo licensing. And some may not be allowed to participate in the championship. At least because the three clubs arenas do not meet the requirements. The palaces must hold at least 5500 people. Now three clubs have problems with capacity. In addition to Spartak, these are Lada and Tractor.

The leaders of the red and white immediately stated that they were negotiating home games with the Luzhniki Small Sports Arena and the Sports Palace on the Khodynsky field. According to the rules, they can play in any stadium that complies with the regulations. Though in Khabarovsk.

“Perhaps we will stay in Sokolniki,” Vyacheslav Starshinov suddenly declared. - We have 4800 seats. But nowhere is it said that all 5500 should be sedentary. It is possible that we will make a standing sector.

“Hmm, they are unlikely to succeed,” Nikolai Uryupin refutes it. - There are some projects, but who will implement them. Nobody wants to sit if something happens.

Valery Bragin, head coach of Spartak, was already in a hurry to meet with the club owners, where he should discuss further actions.

“We have no right to officially negotiate with players,” he said. - But, as far as I know, many hockey players agree to return. I would not like to give names.

In addition to the return of Spartak, the leaders of the Super League clubs again aggravated relations with Vladislav Tretyak, who did not include the team presidents in the executive committee of the FHR, although he had recently promised to do so. Team leaders, of course, were unhappy, again outraged, but, frankly, this is already starting to bother. Do something in the end - well, or play by the rules that dictate to you.

There was no understanding about the signing of a new contract with the NHL. IIHF President Rene Fasel announced the position of American clubs, which promised not to let Russian players go to the World Cup in Moscow if there is no document. But ours so far have not paid attention to this.

“We are a serious league,” shouted from the audience. - Let's not let the NHL blackmail us.

There was a feeling that on the eve of the main tournament of the season Vyacheslav Bykov will have many surprises.

Alexey Shevchenko

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