Alyoshin did not approve the launch of the Torpedo

A meeting of the executive committee of the Russian Football Union was held in the VIP-hall of the Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena, at which they finally approved the results of the national championship (although not unanimously), and also named the best players of the season.

RFU President Vitaly Mutko ran into the hall swiftly, without even having time to make any spectacular statements, which greatly upset all the journalists. However, you need to make a discount on Monday - the day is quite difficult.

- And what is this collection? - Perplexed Sergei Shavlo, the general director of Spartak, when he could not immediately get into the hall. The operators crowding at the door were in no hurry to part. - Where should I go?

He was told where he could take off his outer clothing and sit down. He obeyed.

The last to arrive was Eugene Giner. With some demonstrative courtesy, he kissed his rival in the presidency of the Premier League, Mikhail Vorontsov. Sergei Shavlo, seeing that Giner appeared, was in no hurry to sit down and tried to meet his eyes with the head of CSKA. Probably in order to say hello (or wink, because he has transcripts of sensational telephone conversations). Evgeny Lennorovich, of course, saw this attempt (he nodded to almost everyone around him), but did not react to his colleague in any way (perhaps he could not forgive the betrayal). In this regard, Giner's chances of voting for the RFPL president, which will take place in a few days, are noticeably reduced.

- Where should I go? - Giner asked coquettishly with others. It was a rhetorical question. It is clear that he will go wherever he wants.

“You,” they answered him that way. - At least where to go.

Giner pondered the ambiguity of the answer, but then reduced it to a joke.

“I can go there too,” he waved his hand toward the exit. But the matter did not go beyond the gesture.

“Let's start,” Vitaliy Mutko looked around the table where the members of the executive committee were accommodated. Someone immediately poured juice. And drank it immediately. “We have a lot of questions today.” I propose, after we discuss the results of the seasons in the Premier League, as well as in the first and second divisions, go straight to discussing the performance of the national teams. Any objections?

“No,” answered one PFL president, Nikolai Tolstykh.

“Since there is no objection, then let Evgeny Giner begin,” Mutko announced. It was impossible not to notice how recently the authority of the Professional Football League has grown.

“I will not speak for a long time,” Giner warned immediately. - We at the meeting of the Premier League summed up the results. I suggest you do the same.

“Now let Nikolai Tolstoy speak,” the RFU President took the floor.

“We had tournaments in the first and second divisions ...” began Tolstoy.

Suddenly a cell phone rang. Distinguished Nikita Simonyan. Moreover, he answered and even had a short conversation. The version of the increased authority of the PFL immediately collapsed. True, this did not bother Nikolai Tolstoy. Perhaps he is already used to it.

After that, the meeting was closed to the press.

But it turned out a curious detail. The results of the competitions in the Premier League were not approved unanimously. The head of Torpedo, Vladimir Aleshin, abstained. He never reconciled with the departure. But, they say, this will not help him.

“This is my opinion,” Aleshin substantiated the position. And he abstained for the second time in a day. This time from comments.

The list of 33 best championships of Russia according to the executive committee of the RFU was ready in advance. The approval of this list brought one sensation. In the nomination “central midfielder” Dmitry Loskov won, although in the original version Yegor Titov was listed.

Sergei Shavlo left the meeting a little sad.

Alexey Shevchenko

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