Walking stage

The sixth stage of the Biathlon World Cup in Pokljuka promises to be the most unpredictable of the season. Athletes are already getting ready for the World Cup, preferring to relax rather than spend energy on another competitive marathon. Leaders' absenteeism and other subjects are in the material “Sport Today”.


Pokljuka appeared on the biathlon map relatively recently - in 1993, but has already managed to host the World Cup and eleven stages of the World Cup. The geographical position of this tiny little town located in the national park is unique. In addition to the biathlon stadium and the shooting range, there is practically nothing there. Even a decent hotel. In search of an overnight stay, the competitors descend from the mountains to the neighboring resort town of Bled, famous for its glacial lakes.


Mass start. Like a week ago, the main event will be the race with a common start. This, in fact, is the only kind of program that can convince elite athletes to carry baggage to Eastern Europe. After intense New Year starts, most biathletes gather for the holidays. In Pokljuka even the great and terrible Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, who knows no fatigue, promised to take a break. However, the Norwegian left his numerous fans a loophole - the hope of a date in Slovenia. “I am decently tired and a little empty. For almost a month we have been running like savrasky, not knowing rest. I would like to leave my strength for the World Cup, which starts in early February. Most likely, in Pokljuka I’ll run only a mass start, ”the five-time Olympic champion opened up. Such a massive interest in this unpredictable race is due to the fact that it will be held only for the second time in a season.


Anna Karin Olofsson vs. Katie Wilhelm . The Swedish biathlete taught that even four misses can more than be compensated for by an ideal ski run. So she did during the first half of the season. She smeared regularly, having passed purely only one race (naturally, victorious). Olofsson had no rivals for the time being. Who could challenge a former skier experiencing a second youth? Andrea Henkel and Linda Grubben are too dependent on shooting, Magdalena Neuner regularly plays roulette at firing lines. There was only a three-time Olympic champion Katy Wilhelm. But the German did not hide that until the world championship she would not force training. In Ruhpolding, for the first time this season, we saw how Katie seriously rushed in pursuit of Olofsson. So far, unsuccessfully. But this is only for now ...


Natalia Guseva has already left for Antholz to prepare for the World Cup. The coaches provided her with a full carte blanche and a list of individual lessons that should help the 24-year-old athlete overcome a series of failures. At the last stage, Guseva was once again lost in individual races, but she was pleased with the flawless shooting in the relay.


“We have heard how German biathletes spend their free time. They can sometimes afford to have a beer in the evening and relax. Russian coaches do not allow us anything like this. Frankly, I like the way the Germans rest. My guys and I sometimes take an example from them secretly from the coaches, ” Dmitry Yaroshenko , a repeated winner of the World Cup stages, in an interview with the official website of the International Biathlon Union ( IBU ) honestly admitted that a beer mug is not an obstacle to achieving good results.


4th place, the highest in a career, was taken at the previous stage by Slovenia Thea Gregorin. In the race with a common start, she, the only one of all the participants, shot without a slip and lost only to the favorites - Olofsson, Wilhelm and Grubben. For the Slovenian biathlon - this is one of the most high-profile successes. A year ago, in the same Ruhpolding, the women's relay team won bronze medals.

Broadcast Schedule (Sport TV Channel)

January 17

16.10, 1.05 Sprint, women.

January 18th

16.10, 1.40 Sprint, men.

January 19

16.10, 1.25 Pursuit, women.

January 20th

19.45, 1.15 Pursuit, men.

January 21

13.55, 1.15 Mass start, women.

15.55 Mass start, men.

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