The fate of Eugene kept

SPORT Today estimates the chances of gold for the Russian national team and three other semifinalists of the European Women's Handball Championship.

December 16th. Stockholm. Russia - Germany. 16.30


Last resounding success. Gold World Cup 2005 in St. Petersburg.

The best result in the European Championships. Bronze European Championship 2000 in Romania.

Performance at the 2006 European Championship. Six matches - six wins! The complex relationships of the rivals of the Russians in groups in the preliminary and main rounds created the most calendar favored nation for the team. As a result, the matches against the strong teams of Ukraine and Spain did not solve anything for the Russian team. And she, without losing the victorious courage, twice during the championship gave an important respite to her leaders, preserving their strength and health, as well as the coach’s nerves for major meetings.

Trainer. Yevgeny Trefilov is a talented and charismatic part-time man who managed to bring her to gold in world championships twice in six years of working with the national team and capture hegemony in the Russian Super League for five years at the head of the Togliatti Lada. Since this season, not without success, has been practicing at the club level in the Zvenigorod "Star". He put the team in a harmonious game, combining the debugged power of defense and the individual virtues of the players in the attack.

Star. Irina Poltoratskaya is a brilliant point guard, recognized as the best in her role at the victorious World Cup 2001 in Italy. In fact, she lost a couple of seasons due to an unlucky transfer to the Danish Slagels, where she was mainly treated after a serious injury. Returning to Russia, where he now plays for the “Star”, he is steadily getting to his former level. At this championship, she threw the team's most important ball so far - victory in the last seconds of the duel with the French.

The trump card. The psychology of the winners and high morale, firmly fixed during the St. Petersburg World Championships a year ago.

Achilles' heel. The relative inability to overcome active forms of defense, well mastered by all other medal seekers, especially French women.

Recent meetings with other semi-finalists. Germany - 28:23 (November 24); France - 25:24 (December 12, the main round); Norway - 26:29 (November 26).

The likelihood of a championship (SPORT Today rating). 35%


Last resounding success. Gold World Cup 1993 in Norway.

The best result in the European Championships. Silver European Championship 1994 in Germany.

Performance at the 2006 European Championship . Five wins in six matches is an excellent result for a team that no one has read as favorites and which made its way to the semi-finals of the top tournaments at the 1997 World Cup at home. Separate is the sensational and spectacular 7-goal German victory over the Hungarians, which predetermined the outcome of the dispute of these teams for a place in the strongest four.

Trainer. Armin Emrich holds only the second top tournament at the head of the German women's team. At the 2005 World Cup in St. Petersburg, the Germans became sixth, which was rated as success. Today there is further progress. Emrich’s previous coaching experience was exclusively related to men's handball, where he worked with the Bundesliga club teams and the Swiss national team.

Star. Nadine Krause is the 24-year-old welterweight of Leverkusen, which unexpectedly overshadowed the long-standing prima of the German squad Lefthander Grit Jurak in the zeal of the strikers. In six matches, Krause has 47 goals. She is only a ball behind the leader of the Polish sniper register Carolina Kudlach, for whom the tournament is already over .

The trump card. The strictest gaming discipline that allows you to stay in the elite of the team, composed mainly of players far from the strongest on the continent of the national league.

Achilles' heel. Lack of speed qualities, a tendency to static options for playing the game.

Recent meetings with other semi-finalists. Russia - 23:28 (November 24); Norway - 22:27 (December 10, preliminary round); France - 17:24 (November 26).

The likelihood of a championship (SPORT Today rating). five%.

December 16th. Stockholm. Norway - France. 7 p.m.


Last resounding success. Gold European Championship 2004 in Hungary.

The best result in the European Championships. Gold of the 1998 European Championship in Holland and the 2004 European Championship in Hungary.

Performance at the 2006 European Championship. One hundred percent - 12 points out of 12 possible. True, unlike the Russians, for the Norwegians defending their champion title in Sweden, the outcome of each match was of significant tournament significance.

Trainer. Marit Breivik is an outstanding mentor who knows no equal in charm. The fundamental postulate of her coaching creed is a strict respect for students and excellent knowledge of the psychology of female playing sports. The results of this approach are amazing. Over 13 years of continuously smiling work with the national team, Breivik won three golds, four silver and bronze at various top tournaments!

Star. Gro Hammerseng is the uncontested leader of the team in the absence of such prominent figures as Elizabeth Hilmo, Katya Nyberg, Vigdis Harsaker and Marianna Rockne. However, among them, Gro, it is possible, would be even more compelling. She also became the MVP and the best point guard of the continent two years ago, where the Norwegians were the strongest! Today, the 26-year-old point guard of the Danish Ikast is pulling the team for herself, combining the roles of the main conductor and the main slaughter.

The trump card. Amazing tactical training equally in organizing defense, conducting attacks on the move and positional attack. All this is performed at a consistently high pace while maintaining players enviable mobility.

Achilles' heel. Forcedly overwhelming "attack" on the Hammerseng. There are no other players comparable to her in skill level in the back line.

Recent meetings with other semi-finalists. France - 31:18 (November 24); Russia - 29:26 (November 26); Germany - 27:22 (December 10, preliminary round).

The likelihood of a championship (SPORT Today rating). 40%


Last resounding success. Gold World Cup 2003 in Croatia.

The best result in the European Championships. Bronze European Championship 2002 in Denmark.

Performance at the 2006 European Championship. Four wins and two losses are nominally the worst among semi-finalists. The French women decided to enter the semifinals only on the falling flag, beating the Swedes and waiting for the Russian victory so much needed by them over the Spanish.

Trainer. Olivier Krumbolz sensationally broke into the world elite in 1999 with the team, which he only then headed. From the Norwegian World Cup unknown French women took away silver and firmly established themselves among the favorites of the top competitions. Their style, staged by Kryumbolts in any room, makes the audience “tricolor” and is always recognizable: the maximum of emotions, relaxedness and courage.

Star. Valerie Nicolas is a goalkeeper from God, who also protects the gates of the Danish Viborg, the strongest club in the world today. She is one of those gatekeepers who are able to win matches alone. In gold for France, the 2003 World Cup was named the best player. Then she broke the cruciate ligaments, was treated for a long time and, contrary to forecasts, returned almost the same - feminine, perky and impenetrable.

The trump card. Aggressive “distant” and mobile defense, often giving a striking effect in combination with the reliability of the goalkeeper and seriously counting on quick counterattacks.

Achilles' heel. The shortage of powerful “hitters” in the back line makes a measured positional game unpromising for the French.

Recent meetings with other semi-finalists. Norway - 18:31 (November 24); Russia - 24:25 (December 12, the main round); Germany - 24:17 (November 26).

The likelihood of a championship (SPORT Today rating). 20%.

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