Valuev manager Boris Dimitrov: “The fight with Klitschko may take place this year in Russia”

On December 31, Nikolai Valuev extended the contract with the German promotion company Sauerland Events for two years. A Sport Today correspondent found out the details of this agreement with world champion manager Boris Dimitrov. But at the same time I heard something interesting about Don King, Wladimir Klitschko and the prospects of champion fights in Russia.

- Two years ago, when you signed a contract with Wilfried Sauerland, no one was sure that Valuev would become a world champion. How has your current position changed the parameters of the contract?

- Very, very much changed. Indeed, then, in 2004, the Germans could impose something on us, artificially created a rush, incorrectly translated some important details of the contract. We then only at the last moment learned that, according to one of the points, the Germans had the right in 2006 to automatically, without our consent, extend the agreement until 2011. That is, speaking directly, until the end of Nikolai’s career. But there was no resentment or anger, because they understood: this is a business, everyone plays his own game and you just need to understand the rules. And now we already know them well. Negotiations for an extension began in October. Then we went to one very reputable German lawyer, with whom we signed a contract for three years and through which we negotiated with Sauerland Events. I can’t reveal all the details, I’ll just say that it was mainly about the distribution of funds from advertising, various organizational issues. As for the fees of Nicholas, which are always very interesting to the public, they are fully stipulated in separate agreements for a specific match and therefore are not included in the main contract.

- Earlier, you said that Don King and one of the famous American promoters contacted you with a proposal to work without intermediaries. Have you considered their offers?

- They considered, but they seemed to us not very interesting. And I’ll say directly: we wanted to continue to work with the Germans. We are satisfied with both the financial side and, which I especially note, the integrity of Sauerland and the company. Of course, there are scandals and disputes. For example, just recently they started sending us some frivolous sparring partners for Kolya. We say that this is not something, wimps. They answer: this is what you need, do not hesitate. Well, then we told Kolya: “Work with them without condescension. Beat, do not be afraid. " And after a couple of training everyone ran away. One Pole even cried. But at Sauerland Events, his eyes opened and politics changed. But these are all working moments. The main thing - there is confidence that the Germans will not “throw”. Still, the American people are dark, you don’t know what to expect with him. This applies to both King and other people who came to us (according to Sport Today, among them was the head of the most prestigious American promotion company Top Rank Bob Arum).

- But, as far as I know, the Germans wanted to extend the agreement for a longer period. Why didn’t you agree?

- And where are we in a hurry? Two years is a very comfortable period, which will not allow us or our partners to relax.

- But King, nevertheless, remains the right to conduct several fights of Nicholas?

- Yes, for the next two fights, they have 50 to 50 rights with Sauerland.

- The next two fights are January 20 with McCline and then with mandatory challenger Ruslan Chagaev?

- With McCline for sure, but about Chagaev - not a fact. According to my information, Nicholas’s next rival after McCline may be Vladimir Klitschko, who failed to negotiate with Maskaev, but who is still eager for a title unification. We are interested in such a fight, the promoters Klitschko, too. Now negotiations are underway at the level of two federations - WBA and IBF.

“Is this too hasty a decision?” After all, you yourself admit that Nikolai is rapidly progressing, but he still needs time to conduct unification fights?

“No, I think it's time.” Moreover, Klitschko is not so scary. Of course, he is a very strong boxer, much stronger than the same Chagaev, but he is “punched”. After a knockout from Brewster, fear still exists in him, which is visible in every battle, even in the most successful ones.

- And where can such a duel take place?

- We want in St. Petersburg. Sauerland considers both Peter and Moscow. But Russia is definitely a priority. The Germans last year wanted to hold some kind of battle of Nicholas in his homeland, but doubts remained. Before making decisions, they wanted to see how successfully the boxing evening on December 10th at Olimpiysky would be organized. They sent their people there, the operator. They didn’t like everything, but on the whole decided that high-level battles could be held here. And even profitable.


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