Bored, gentlemen!

CSKA Moscow, confidently defeating the Tel Aviv Hapoel, earned on-duty praise for the coach and the players and showed reliable, but rude, attacking, but boring football - despite the number of goals scored.

The first seemingly serious match of CSKA in the new season could not boast of a loud poster. The opponent, frankly, is average. One of the newcomers to the Moscow team - the Turkish Janer - is injured, and the Brazilian Ramon has not yet managed to adapt. And the fact that the team had enough strength to run back 90 minutes (and even with the right of seven substitutions), and there could be no doubt. What then to look at?

It turned out - there is something. On the debugged to the screw game machine Valery Gazzayev. Like a year and two years ago, all faces are familiar with CSKA. Thanks to which the team itself has a face. Unhurried, confident and clear game of the army, based on a tough game scheme, immediately showed - “Hapoel” has no chance. And CSKA scored the first goal in the old fashioned way - exclusively by the efforts of the Brazilian legionnaires. Dudu intercepted the ball and sent it to the left of Wagner Love, who gave a pass to the center of the box. The stupidity of the actions of the central defender, who missed the oncoming Jo to the ball, and the goalkeeper, who for some reason appeared in the right corner of the goal, would have envied the defense of “Rostov”.

The match developed like a theatrical play staged by a skilled director and played for the hundredth time by familiar actors. On the 6th and 19th minutes, two Hapoel players were replaced after clashes with Elver Rahimich. The Bosnian played as usual - reliably and rudely. And other CSKA players acted recognizably for the Russian eye. Even predictably. What instilled at the same time calmness for the result and the alarm: what if their game would still be revealed? Not Hapoel, of course, but someone else. After all, take one screw out of such a machine - and everything can sprinkle.

The first reason to worry was obvious - a goal. It's not the situation itself, when the defenders and Rakhimich forgot the free kick in Toemu, who hit from the left into the far corner. The fact is that for the first half hour, CSKA played as a team superior to an opponent in the class - the first number, controlling the ball for a long time. Which corresponded to the real balance of power. However, the army team know how to give up the initiative is much better than to lead the game. We know this from the same triumph of the UEFA Cup. And CSKA gave the ball to an opponent - and immediately missed, that is, it turned out to be insolvent in the most familiar role of a counterattack team. The first alarm bell.

However, the army team quickly pulled themselves together, organizing another “Brazilian” goal - the “wall” of Dudu and Jo, an excellent feint and a shot by Wagner Love. And soon they were completely surprised by the rapid castling of Krasic and Zhirkov, as a result of which the Serb burst into the Hapoel penalty box on the left and, following Wagner, recorded Alimilekh’s right goal post into goal assistants. The first ten minutes of the second half was enough to establish the final score. Foul against Wagner Love brought the army team a penalty, which easily scored Olic. The goalkeeper of Hapoel, who, by the way, played just disgusting, was so wounded by a goal that he went to the judge to complain about the Croat, who had braked during the run. Apparently, this is not accepted in Israel.

I don’t really want to point out the problems that have arisen after playing the smooth and successful match of CSKA. Yes, Aldonin is unreliable, rude Rakhimich, Ramon is not ready and Zhirkov is lazy. At the same time, there is no pleasure from the game. Frankly, a boring match, despite five goals. And the reason for this is not an army club, which actually compares favorably with the enviable constancy of virtues. The point is the tournament. Channel One Cup so far seems like a puffy event for a lot of money (vodka advertising - even on the flags of the linemen), which does not promise an interesting football spectacle. At least from the prudent CSKA. Although Spartak, most likely, will not be bored.

CSKA Russia - HAPOEL TA Israel - 4: 1 (3: 1)

Goals: 1: 0 - Jo (3), 1: 1 - Toema (33), 2: 1 - Wagner Love (40), 3: 1 - Krasic (45), 4: 1 - Olic (56, penalty).

CSKA: Akinfeev (Gabulov, 76), Ignashevich, V. Berezutsky, A. Berezutsky, Aldonin (Ramon, 46), Rakhimich (Shemberas, 46), Dudu, Krasich, Zhirkov (Grigoryev, 65), Wagner Love (Taranov, 60 ), Jo (Olic, 46).

Hapoel TA: Alimileh (Shanan, 79), Bonder, Antebi (Perez, 66), Paes (Biton, 46), Duani, Dego, Abukasis (Abbut, 22), Badir, Toema (Ogbon, 46), Barda ( De Bruno, 46), Nierra Diaz (Vermouth, 11).

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