Oleg Maskaev: “Once upon a time, no one believed in me. Like now in Ohello ... "

WBC World Champion in an exclusive interview “SPORT Today” - about the upcoming fight on Sunday with Peter Ohello, the strength of the opponent, dislike for Cinderella, contacts with Klitschko and disagreements with relatives.

- After the August champion’s fight with Hasim Rahman, you injured your arm and complained of back pain. Are you sure that this will not prevent you from being ready for a duel with Ohello one hundred percent?

- I just don’t know - such a peak of form in the career of every boxer happens infrequently, but I am still 36 years old. But I can definitely say: I will do one hundred percent of the possible to be ready to meet with the Ugandan. It seems to me that both physics and psychology win in such battles.

- Who more wanted the first defense of the championship belt to take place in Moscow - you or your promoter Dennis Rappoport?

- I gave the idea. Because for a long time I wanted to have a big fight at home and understood that, perhaps, only in Moscow could it be organized at the highest level. Rappoport found out that under this event you can find good sponsors, and agreed.

- Many consider Peter Ohello not a very serious rival ...

- I assure you that this is not so. Firstly, I myself did not want to box for the first time in Moscow with a low-level opponent. Secondly, Ohello may not have been very successful, but he has a crushing blow. And in boxing, as you know, one hit can solve everything. And finally, the third and most significant argument: once, after several fights, lost by knockout, they also treated Maskaev frivolously, considered him almost a “bag”. And only a few knew what he was capable of.

- For a volitional ascent to the top, you in America have even been nicknamed Cinderella ...

“I don't like that comparison.” After all, Cinderella was helped by magic. And I achieved everything later, with blood, pain, disappointment. These are not beautiful words. I really overcame a difficult path, and only relatives know what it cost me not to quit boxing. I believe that everything has withstood and become a champion thanks to the family, character and a new team. First, they think about victories in it, and only then about money.

- Perhaps without those tests there would not have been a champion belt now?

- Maybe. Of course, that experience gave me a lot, made me stronger. But I still cannot answer in the affirmative.

- Many are wondering which of the heavyweight champions will hold the first unification match. And more often than others, they call two names: yours and Vladimir Klitschko ...

- I will not deny that immediately after the victory over Rahman I received an offer to conduct a fight with the younger Klitschko in early November. But we could not go for it, because in such a short time I would not have time to recover. But only the date did not suit us. As an opponent, Vladimir is interesting, and negotiations continue. But I want to remind about Ohello. Now I’m only thinking about a fight with him.

- On Sunday, your father, wife, and many relatives will be sick at Olimpiysky. Do you normally feel that they will personally see your battle?

- To fight in Moscow and not invite relatives, friends would be a great disrespect for them. But there is some truth in your doubts. I’ve heard several times from some family members: “Oleg, that's enough. Finish it. We can’t watch you beat anymore. ” Usually I answer that they confuse me with someone. This I beat everyone.


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