Soviet returned

The appointment of Sergey Nikolaev as the head coach of the Novokuznetsk Metallurg team suggests that Russian hockey is not far behind the times of the USSR. Where players were humiliated by total control, seeing in them only a tool to achieve a result.

In the Russian championship now there will be no more Soviet man than Nikolaev. That is, a coach who would treat hockey players with such neglect.

Vladimir Krikunov? He also locks the teams to the training camp, sometimes treats the players too hard, exhausts them with training, believing that the only way to win the championship. But at the same time, he loves hockey players and tries to maximize the potential of everyone.

Peter Vorobyov? He is no longer a Soviet coach, although he was like that. Sometimes he is also cruel to his subordinates, but at the same time retains a sense of tact. And many dream to play with him at least a little to learn a lot.

Vladimir Yurzinov Sr. and Boris Mikhailov are no longer training. At sunset, the careers of Vladimir Marinichev and Gennady Tsygurov, although their progress in communicating with hockey players is evident. But Nikolaev is returned ...

Once Sergey Nikolaev was standing at the bench when a puck hit his head with an unexpected rebound from his player. The bump has grown.

- How are you, Sergey Alekseich? - one of the hockey players asked sympathetically.

- Yes, b .., I thought of giving you two days off. But now you will train twice a day.

And they trained ...


You can understand the leadership of “Metallurg”, which wants at all costs break through into the playoffs. In Novokuznetsk they remember that it was Nikolaev who created the team there and at one time achieved success with it (bronze medals of the 1999-2000 championship). But what time was it? Then it was not coaches who were valued, but administrators. One club won medals in the same way that the current football “Ray” almost got into the European Cup. Nikolaev, who knew how to keep subordinates in fear, was indispensable. And so he managed to raise hockey in Yaroslavl from scratch. True, it took him more than 15 years.

As soon as hockey became more civilized, Sergey Alekseevich began to have problems. Especially with the return of the Enhaelites, who did not want to listen to swearing in their address with or without.

Once, after a victory with a score of 5: 1, Sergei Nikolaev entered the triumphant locker room with the words:

“Well, ope ...?” Although you and e ... players, congratulations on your victory.

Good mood took off.


“Nikolaev is very good for young people,” says one of the players who worked with this coach in Ufa for a couple of seasons. - He really can make you be disciplined. Put the game. But all experienced hockey players (except for three or four favorites who travel with him to all clubs) are almost enemies for him. He is furious when he finds out how much players get. And behaves unceremoniously with them.

All the successes of Nikolaev as a coach in the distant past. Yes, in Soviet times he was considered a strong specialist. For example, Dmitry Yushkevich is grateful to him as a coach who made him a hockey player. But now he would not go to play for him for any carriages.

The last time Nikolaev practiced at Siberia was in the 2004/2005 season. But could not resist there until the end of the championship. Moreover, he quarreled with all the team leaders, put goalkeeper Vyuhin on the transfer, without which the Novosibirsk club is now impossible to imagine. But he was not allowed to complete the restructuring - they were fired. Nikolaev then declared that he was completing a career.

“At first, he blamed everything on the predecessor, who allegedly had a poor preparation stage,” Ravil Yakubov recalls that period. - By the way, this is a very convenient position. Then Sergey Alekseevich became bad hockey players, and he replaced almost a half of the team. But no result. Nikolaev said: give me time, I will collect, I will invite. I doubt that someone would go to him. Probably only those who had problems with the contracts.

... It is reliably known that only one hockey player decided to answer the rudeness of the coach openly and went into conflict with him. This is the current goalkeeper of Vityaz Alexey Volkov. He then returned from America and immediately came to Nikolaev, in Ufa. After one of the theoretical studies, after listening to the mentor, the goalkeeper packed up his things and left for an unknown direction.

There was another case when a hockey player angry with coaching coaches ( “You don’t know how to play. And how did you, ram, bring your mother to the section?” ) Rushed to Nikolaev with his fists. The guy’s partners barely restrained. The fight did not take place. But for two weeks Nikolaev kept himself within the framework.

But for journalists, he is a real find. The current championship of Russia was clearly lacking such a type. This is an analogue of football Igor Gamula. In case of team failures Nikolaev says so that you can quickly compile a book of aphorisms, which will go off with a bang.

But for some reason, on the day the new coach was appointed, the majority of Metallurg players began to search for their agents and ask them to explore the possibilities of a quick team change. It will be bad if they leave. Let Nikolaev and their times leave better ...

One of the hockey players settled a floor above Sergei Nikolaev and made repairs. Naturally, with noise. Once the coach could not stand it and stood up.

- Well, and what are you knocking on?

- Yes, Sergey Alekseich, I’m doing an aquarium. I will breed fish.

- Fool. At your age, you need to breed women ...

Alexey Shevchenko

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