“What are the flaws! We are working the first day ”

The first match in the new ice Sports Palace on the Khodynka field came out organizationally and not badly in the game. Russia lost to Sweden, and this was the first defeat of the national team under Vyacheslav Bykov. Incidentally, he did not admit defeat.

“Mr. Tretyak, there’s another problem,” a man hesitated before the president of the FHR. - We need to bring the piano. And then it’s boring in the pauses of the game.

“Yes, yes,” Tretyak whispered softly. - A lot of things are needed. But not all at once. What disadvantages can we talk about if we work the first day!

There were not so many shortcomings, given that the game was held in Russia. Paint, for example, in the arena itself smelled much less than the day before. Especially, or something, weathered. There was a slight misunderstanding as to which entrance these or other people had to go through (others went around the palace this way). But this, too, will pass over time.

“Listen, in comparison with the Dynamo Moscow Sports Arena and the Luzhniki Sports Palace, this is a masterpiece,” the famous specialist Valery Postnikov was indignant when asked about the shortcomings of the arena. - Moscow was lucky with such a sports facility.

“You just need to settle down here,” Alexei Dementyev, sports director of HC CSKA, supported him. - Everything will settle down, everyone will get used to everything. And they will forget about all the shortcomings.

It is unlikely that journalists will forget that the press center was very crowded, but they simply forgot about the press box in the arena itself. There are no tables, no outlets. And the worst places were allocated - behind the gates. In addition, many newsmen were in a pre-infarction state when Internet access was cut off after the match. But the audience, which gathered almost 12 thousand people, liked everything. Except, of course, the result.

Interestingly, empty seats were observed where tickets were not sold, but distributed through the federation. Either they unsuccessfully distributed, or did not find those who can be handed a receipt.

But who really surprised was the Russian hockey players who rushed through the mixed zone, as if they were not behind 65 minutes of the match. Only then did team captain Aleksey Morozov go to the journalists and said nothing special.

Vyacheslav Bykov, who lost his first match while working with the national team, did not look depressed.

- Yes, we lost to the Swedes. But on the shootouts, ”he emphasized, making it clear that in real hockey they did not concede to the opponent. - And if I have a dissatisfaction with the result, then the game is completely satisfied. It’s a pity that the performance failed. But the team played quite strictly on the defensive.

Then, taking air into his chest, the head coach of the Russian team brought an amazing argument:

- It’s better to lose here than at the World Cup.

Surely the coach was thinking about this phrase while he was going to the journalists. But he did not explain what exactly is better to lose here. And who should appreciate it?

“The Swedes have a strong roster, experienced players,” the coach unexpectedly added, which embarrassed some reporters who were recognized by only a few people from this experimental team “Tre Krunur”.

Moreover, the most experienced colleague, as if to a mockery, asked Bengt-Oke Gustafsson to tell about the new star of the Channel One Cup goalkeeper Ersberg. The specialist was pleased to tell how his goalkeeper had not been able to break into the composition of his club until recently, since a strong Canadian acted there.

And from the funny in the stadium, you can distinguish the author of the inscriptions on the scoreboard. When the player retired, it displayed: “Shame on the offender !!!” The guests and the hosts alike received it.

Excessive exactingness distinguishes us from everyone else.

Alexey Shevchenko

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