Where is Dr. Dre?

These guys have worn the labels of great talents and are already proving professional suitability. They are the five major discoveries of the first month of the NBA championship according to SPORT Today.

1. Kevin Martin (Sacramento)

In the summer of 2004, the “kings" utterly made happy the little-known West Carolina University, choosing the lanky leader of the local basketball team in the first draft round - until then, nothing like this happened in college with any of the athletes. Californian scouts were not particularly at risk: that year, Martin earned 24.9 points on average per student championship match, becoming the second in the league in terms of performance. True, the obvious gaps in his game - primarily in physical condition and protection - left a 201-centimeter defender behind the back of the more experienced Dag Christie, Cattino Mobley and Bonzie Wells. Kevin did spend his first playoffs on the bench, sadly watching his partners fight idols of his childhood like Ray Allen. True, a year later, the upcoming personnel restructuring and the changed priorities of ex-coach “Kings” Rick Adelman gave Martin a chance. He ended the last season as a full member of the rotation, and this year - already with the filing of a new coach Eric Masselman - he began as the main player. What happened?

The first month, Kevin finished the only one in the NBA who manages to stay in the top 20 in terms of performance (23.2) and all percentage of hits (52.7 - from the game, 47.2 - “treshki” and 91.1 - penalties). In addition, opponents unaccustomed to his playing style still complain that they cannot adapt to Martin’s speed and non-standard movements. “He has a terrific shot,” Ray Allen wondered yesterday’s idol, through whom Kevin was whipping 35 points “supersonic.” “He relieves the ball from somewhere in the thigh as if he was about to give a pass ... You need to adapt to that.”

It is curious that Martin is also among the best in the league in all kinds of utility ratings, and, according to Masselman, he added significantly in his ability to defend himself and create a situation for himself to attack. True, the young defender so far has only become statistically the true leader of Sacramento. Newspapers still share this title between Mike Bibby and Ron Artest, and the coaches are not shy about putting the guy on the bench when he is not playing. True, something similar happened this season only once.

2. Andris Bedrins (Golden State)

I remember Andris well in Riga “Skonto” in the European Cup matches four years ago. More precisely, I don’t remember - at that time a little-known 16-year-old guy came out only occasionally. But in 2004, he made such a jump that in summer he took off in the top ten draft. True, in the NBA a similar jump on the move failed. Former Warriors coach Mike Montgomery preferred the slow-moving, but experienced shot blocker Edonal Foyle, pointing out the obvious gaps in the Bedrins game - too many fouls and the implementation of penalties - 31%, worse than Shaquille O'Neill and Ben Wallace!

Now Andris can smile back at last summer. Firstly, he took lessons or asked advice from famous throwing experts (including Holger Geschwindner, personal trainer Dirk Nowitzki) - and the percentage of penalties hit increased to 55. Still weak, but the progress is amazing. Secondly, Don Nelson, who has taken the wheel of the “warriors,” preaches high-speed basketball and, moreover, is not afraid to isolate a moving 20-year-old center on the border of a three-second zone. And Bedrinsh has enough speed and skill to deceive a feint of almost any opponent and skillfully complete fast-breaks. Andris scores points with amazing efficiency: 65.2 percent of the implementation of shots from the game - the second result in the league today. “Any playmaker wants his team to be“ big ”, which can be passed almost without looking - he even catches the ball with his long arms on the go,” admits Baron Davis. In addition, he is simply excellent in defense: with 9.8 rebounds, Latvia takes 12th place in the NBA, with 2.81 block shots - 4th.

In general, basketball fans and specialists are hard at learning the difficult Latvian surname (to be pedantic, it is pronounced Biedrins), and teammates who are not trying to break their tongue call their center simply Dre ...

3. Monta Ellis (Golden State)

Another sensational second year “Warriors” at times “exploded” in the past season, although out of the shadow of Baron Davis, who was not even in the best shape, he could not get out. The scout reports of the rivals were full of marks that the young defender too carelessly passes and almost does not drive the ball with his left hand. I think you understand what Monta worked hard in the offseason. Yes, you won’t learn everything at once, but Ellis already has a sufficient level to maneuver at a speed beyond the control of his guardians. Several incredible dunks of the “baby” from Auckland immediately appear in the fans' memory, like this - here he practically did not notice the same reactive Leandro Barbosa.

Along with the successes of Ellis (this season his average is 18.3 points and 4.4 assists) and Bedrins, headache influxes are pursuing general manager Chris Mullin. The weighty contracts of Davis, J-Rich, Mike Dunleavy, Troy Murphy and Foyle do not give much scope for financial maneuvers, and that day is not far off - about a year and a half before it, when the agreements of the current youths expire. For the 2007/2008 season, Mont and Andris will receive a little more than $ 3 million for two, and their real value by that time could jump seven to eight times.

4. Jay. Ar. Smith (Denver)

He is 21, he began only the third season of his career, and “Denver” is his third team. “You think,” says Jr. Ar. “Jordan also had a career in more than one team. And Shakila is still going to sell somewhere in the press.”

Smith can not even be called a surprise. Even in the “Hornets”, he was struck by the performance, but did not get along with head coach Byron Scott. The defender was exchanged at “Chicago”, but he didn’t even appear there in training - the bulls equipped with “kids” gave Smith “Denver” almost for free. For a couple of choices in the second round of drafts. Now they may regret it - especially after J.Ar. scored Chicagoans 36 points.

Observers note that energetic "nuggets" lacked just such a player - who knows how to attack from afar and maintain the pace of attack. Carmelo Anthony, 22, from whom Smith’s arrival removed a decent portion of the load, gently calls his teammate "son." He does not take offense - he studies and adds, having already grown the average performance this season to a solid mark of 16.9 points.

5. Deron Williams (Utah)

Playmaker "Jazz" can hardly be called a complete discovery. His talents have been known for a long time: after all, a year ago he was selected for a draft with a high third number, and last season he finished in the first symbolic five of newcomers. Having gained experience and authority in the eyes of the most experienced Jerry Sloan, Williams got enough playing time and with the help of a progressive team almost doubled (!) His statistics - to 16.7 points and 9.0 assists (4th place in the NBA!). Sometimes Deron issues matches at the level of "25 + 15", i.e. quite comparable with Steve Nash, and the results of “Utah” suggest parallels with the current MVP ... Only numerous injuries prevent the young defender from paying for the activity in the attack.

Paul Millsap (Utah) and Andrew Bynam (Lakers)

Both guys are worth mentioning. The first is already referred to only as Paul "The Postman-Always-Calls-Twice" Millsap, recalling Carl Malone. If the “Jazz” did not have Andrei Kirilenko, this forward would have firmly taken his place at the start. First of all, thanks to the excellent actions in defense. However, the AK-47 needs to be considered: with the current level of play, it may well give way to a beginner.

Beynam started the season perfectly, surprising with competent actions under the ring and a technical half-hook personally set by Karim Abdul-Jabbar, the Lakers consultant. Andrew could have clung to the base if Phil Jackson had not returned to the “start” recovered from injury Kwame Brown.


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