Will Porto and Arsenal unite against CSKA?

CSKA today is not enough to beat Hamburg: Muscovites' prospects for leaving the group depend primarily on the parallel match between Porto and Arsenal.

These two teams can turn the match of CSKA into a formality. If they draw, then both are guaranteed to go to the next stage. CSKA will only have a place in the UEFA Cup. Bookmakers give the lowest odds for a draw, that is, they consider it the most likely outcome. Which in itself is very rare, since bets on a draw, as usual, are classified as risky. But the fact that such bets are generally accepted is a compliment to Porto and Arsenal. That is, bookmakers admit the idea that two respected clubs do not agree among themselves.

Izvestia decided to find out what they think about the upcoming game in London and Lisbon, and asked local journalists to speak out. England is represented on our pages by Guardian football columnist Matt Scott, Portugal by Joao Alves, editor-in-chief of the country's leading sports publication A Bola.


Matt Scott, columnist for the Guardian newspaper: “Wenger will play to win”

- The game at the Port will be a difficult test for Arsenal. But not because he has to play away. The team of Arsene Wenger today has enough difficulties. Now in England they talk a lot about the sharp dialogue that took place between the coach and team leader Thierry Henry at a recent training session. No matter how they hide it, information is still leaking. Henri is tired by the end of the difficult season, he is harassed by various injuries and sometimes he is upset.

However, the main sniper of Arsenal will not play in Port due to disqualification. But there is no doubt that without it, Wenger will properly configure the team to win. It is very important for him that right now she would feel her game. After all, on Sunday she will play in the London super derby with Chelsea, which everyone is looking forward to. Moreover, recently, Arsenal stumbled in the Premier League, having lost two games in a row. And now he only needs to win - both in Europe and in the national championship.

Another thing is that the coach “Gunners” will not be easy to determine the composition. Flamini and Gallas are still recovering from injuries, although the latter in Portugal may enter the field. In any case, it is clear that on Wednesday, Wenger will almost certainly use 4-5-1. In the absence of Henry, he will not put forward two attackers - only Adebayor will act in front. But this does not mean that Arsenal will play from defense. In my opinion, the team has proved that it is a favorite of the group and will try to complete the current round with the sole leader.

So it’s hardly appropriate to talk about a draw syndrome that can manifest itself in a game in the Port. The fight there must be uncompromising. But CSKA players need to remember that a lot depends primarily on them. The Moscow team looks perfectly organized, and its Brazilians Wagner, Carvalho and Dudu possess brilliant technique. However, in my opinion, it will be quite difficult to win CSKA in Hamburg. The Germans in the previous round looked pretty good in the match with the “gunners” in London, although they lost in the very ending. But in the last round, Hamburg will probably try to score points in the group stage.


Joao Alves, Editor-in-Chief of A Bola newspaper: “Both teams will keep a draw in mind”

If you start from the game, and not from the standings, it seems to me that of the first three teams of the group, Arsenal is the weakest. At first glance, this may sound strange, yet the team played in the final of last year's Champions League. But today's football performed by Londoners, frankly speaking, is not impressive. As if Arsene Wenger had completely changed his squad and is now waiting for them to all play there.

But this, I repeat, if you do not pay attention to the standings. And if you look at it, then Moscow, of course, has the worst prospects. Here in Lisbon, we are also discussing the ambiguity of the tournament situation, when two teams play among themselves and a draw allows both to solve the problem.

Of course, both Porto and Arsenal are tempted to take advantage of this situation. And use what is called by default. I can’t imagine how Arsene Wenger calls Gezuald Ferreira and they agree with which account the match should end. But both will surely keep the option with a draw in mind. They will choose, for example, defensive tactics for the match. And already in the course of the game they will draw conclusions about each other's intentions - this may well be.

Recently, Wenger complained about the English calendar: too many matches are played by his team, players do not have time to recover. Ferreira is also unhappy with the density of the schedule. In general, it’s now profitable for both to save their strength and give key players an opportunity to rest - either leave them in reserve or just play less intensively. This is especially true for Arsenal, which will face off against Chelsea over the weekend.

However, I believe that both teams will want to win. In an uncompromising game, I think Porto has more chances. This team is now on the rise, as Russian fans had the opportunity to see two weeks ago. “Porto” is a confident leader in the Portuguese championship, scores a lot, almost never misses and against the background of today's “Arsenal” looks like a favorite. In addition, the disqualified Henry will not be able to play in the Londoners.

Chermen DZGOEV, Mikhail SHPENKOV

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