“I still do not know how to write, but I read better”

The best football player of Saturn Alexei Eremenko about his possible transition, match-fixing and common language with Slovak coach Vladimir Weiss. And all this - with difficulty selecting Russian words.

- Alexei, tell me honestly, are you leaving for Spartak?

- Honestly? Well no.

“Staying in the club?”

- I can’t say anything about my possible transition.

- Is it possible that you will leave Saturn before the start of the next championship?

- I do not want to comment on this.

- Already something. Do you have more positive or negative emotions from the first season in Russia?

“Well, so ... Fine, of course.” We have a new team. Only here is the eleventh place. This is ... you know ...

- ... Was it a blow to you?

- A little bit, yes. We could finish on the fifth, and finished on the eleventh. So that…

- Will you perform better next season?

- Yes, we will have the same composition, the same coach. And we ... of course ...

- ... You will fight for something serious.

- Yes, we will fight for something serious.

- You began to speak Russian much better than at the beginning of the year.

“Well, yes, I've been here for eight months.” Before that I forgot a little ...

- They say you read poorly and wrote in Russian.

- Yes, he could neither read nor write.

- And now?

- I still do not know how to write, but I read better.

- And what are your impressions of the homeland?

- Uh ... So far, only one plus. There are no cons.

- A match in the championship match? Judicial scandals ...

- Well, yes ... This is - yes. But Saturn is a clean team. Most importantly, we play cleanly.

- In Russia, it’s dirty on the streets, a completely different mentality.

“But I'm still Russian.” It doesn’t matter to me.

“And are you used to the weather?”

- I lived in Finland before.

- And they played in Italy ...

- Yes, he played in Italy. The weather is yes. But still, I'm used to this weather. Fine.

- For you, “Saturn” is a club with which you can win something in your career, or a transfer point in front of a stronger team?

- Here you can achieve, I think. Here you can achieve.

- Tell us about your coach Vladimir Weiss. He became the opening of the championship. What does this specialist take? You showed good football ...

- Fart was not there. It didn’t. Even in the last game it was visible ... So many moments, but the ball does not enter ...

“So what is Weiss's merit?”

- He understands. He knows that we are not robots, but people. And he always knows when to scream, and when to speak in a good way.

- Trainers of the Soviet school like to morally press players. What about the Slovak?

- Slovak - no. He just knows when to and when not.

- Is it really not swearing in the locker room?

“Ho ho ... Everything happens, yes.”

- And swears in Russian?

- Both in Russian and in Slovak.

- The best player in the country according to the results of a survey of players was Andrey Arshavin. Do you agree with that?

- Yes.

- He is called a player of the European level ...

- I do not know. To do this, he needs to play in Europe. But in Russia he is the best. That is yes.

- You played in a strong Italian championship. Are there many good players here?

- There are such.

- Who?

- Wagner Love likes it.

- He's Brazilian. And from the Russians?

- I don’t remember them now, but there are such players.

Alexey Shevchenko

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