Coaching debut of Vitaliy Mutko

The President of the Russian Football Union Vitaly Mutko attended the awarding of the winners of the annual field of development of children's and youth football “Field of our hope”, where he won one of the competitions, leading the Lokomotiv team.

In the lobby of the Sports House MGUPI was not that crowded. But the cloakroom was already nervous.

“The numbers are ending,” she sighed. - What to do?

No one could give her advice. Nikolai Tolstykh, distracted from communication with Alexei Spirin and Boris Ignatiev, looked at the woman in bewilderment. Suddenly everyone started - a brass band thundered on the second floor thundered.

Vitaliy Mutko arrived. At the entrance, children in Lokomotiv and CSKA T-shirts ran up to him and began to ask for autographs.

“You sign here on a T-shirt,” they asked the president.

“Yes, please,” Mutko complied with pleasure. - Which teams are you rooting for?

- And you? - one of the teenagers was not taken aback.

“Yes, everyone knows who he is rooting for,” his friend waved his hand.

“And for whom?” - Vitaly Leontyevich became interested.

“For the Zenith, of course,” the boy said. - They talked about this on TV.

“And who said that?” - The head of the RFU was even confused. But he quickly pulled himself together. - I, children, am a fan of all Russian football.

However, he immediately made a correction when he saw a guy in a Spartak T-shirt.

- And for Spartak ... And you, probably, were upset because of yesterday? - he patted the boy in the shape of CSKA on the head. - Who knew that in five minutes two goals will be scored? I did not know ... - What are you? - the teacher switched to a child wearing a Lokomotiv T-shirt. - Climbed already on the engine, which was installed at the stadium?

“We are not allowed,” the boy sighed.

“Come on,” Mutko doubted the intonation of a man who is allowed everything he asks for.

RFU Director General Sergey Pryadkin helped the boss undress and went to the wardrobe. But they refused to accept his coat.

“I have no numbers.” Where am I going to hang him? Grumbled the woman.

“Do we need to carry it in our hands?” - taken aback Pryadkin.

“None of my business,” snapped the cloakroom worker.

- Come on, hang somewhere! - the tone changed the official. - We don’t need a number.

... In the big hall gathered a lot of children. Many saw Vitaly Mutko for the first time. Having discovered “fresh ears,” Vitaly Leontyevich began to utter the familiar.

“Last year we put 20 fields to bed, and this year already 50. Next year we’ll increase this number,” he hypnotized the child.

That, I must say, held steady, having heard even this:

- The RFU adopted a football development strategy ... We are changing the development strategy, its concept ...

The boys began to exchange glances in search of acquaintances with the word "concept."

“Football is more than a game,” Mutko summed up. - That's life.

After presenting various prizes, they held an interesting contest. Three teams were called to him, each with five children: in the form of CSKA, Spartak and Lokomotiv. The trainers appointed Nikolai Tolstoy, Boris Ignatiev and Vitaly Mutko, respectively. According to the conditions of the competition, it was necessary to get into the small balls from the seven meters, located on the goal line.

Boris Ignatiev, apparently, misses him very much without practical work. I heard his installation:

- The main thing - think, turn on the head.

Spartak did not hit the target even once. Surely because of the dominance of foreign coaches in Russian football. That's right, they want to tax them.

Nikolai Tolstykh tried to get a decent distance from his army team, but the kids followed. The president of the PFL also had to utter a few important words.

CSKA was lucky only once. The expert commission will understand the reasons for the failure.

And Vitaly Mutko everything turned out fine. He whispered something to the guys for a long time, and they struck three times for sure. After each successful attempt, the head of the RFU fairly threw up his hands and jumped. Unless he took off his jacket and did not rush to the corner flag to kick it for joy.

When gift scarves were handed to his team, Mutko glowed as if the Russian team had jumped in the ranking, and artificial turfs were already lying in all regions of the country.

Now the president of the RFU is also a successful coach.

Alexey Shevchenko

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