Have you ordered a disaster?

The victory of Arsenal over Hamburg thoroughly discredited the mathematical abilities of the staff of the strongest club in Russia. A couple of rounds back to CSKA, they simply believed that 8 points would be enough to reach the Champions League playoffs. It turned out that sometimes there might not be enough virtual 11. If even they manage to earn ...

Van der Wart's signature stroke-stroke in the 4th minute (the ball went from the 22 meter to the right from Lehmann “nine”) meant more than just a goal. Arranged on the current problems of Arsenal, this was not an incident, but the verge of disaster. The Gunners are at odds with luck. Balls into the gates of others do not always filter out from the host of excellent moments, which are squandered in the best traditions of football "art for art." Yes, remember at least the recent arrival in London of the same CSKA!

And today's Hamburg outsider was perceived in such a context as an insignificant nuance. Not later than on Saturday from the same field, having opened an account, safely crawled away with the coveted point, the dull Newcastle. And now he hardly surpasses the team of Thomas Doll in anything. Rather, the opposite. The absence of any European Cup prospects among German visitors, as soon as they led, became an aid, the basis for the game uninhibited and daring.

In the first half, everything was so. With easily distinguishable possession of the territory, the hosts did not really outperform their rivals both in strokes in general (6-5) and in hitting on target (2-1). However, at least one of the threats was from the category of sophisticated: Gleb played the wall with Fabregas, removed a couple of defenders on the backswing and loaded him from the cunningly jumping Jungberg with eight meters from the crossbar.

The episode seemed a concentrated expression of the superiority of Londoners in wit. But there were also a centimeter shortage of Henri to the thinnest “hang-up” from Eboue, and a protracted attack, in which Mahdavikiya made a ball from an empty Hamburg goal.

Typically, this imbalance in the classroom portends an inevitable post-fracture fracture in favor of the strong. But here, after all, Arsenal played. And in front of him ... lay a rake, which in many previous cases he managed to not notice.

This time this did not happen. Perfectly aware of the importance of victory (even a draw would have pushed the “Gunners” to third place in the playoffs), Arsene Wenger kept the team from a heart-assault attack. “Arsenal” reminded a hard worker wise in life, who insisted that slowly shaking is always smarter and easier than pulling it out with the root. Fortunately, the first goal back after the break was not long in coming. Each of its creators was very organic in its role. Gleb turned out to be a ringleader, who craftyly tarnished partners with a pass from deep. Fabregas memorized continuation confirmed the reputation of the best assistant for the Premier League today (5 assists). Well, now Van Persie is not used to fooling goalkeepers and much more dexterous than Wechter - both in the club and in the “orange” team.

With two units on the scoreboard, the outcome of the match became a matter of time. In the sense: is it enough for its owners to achieve more? And it could not be enough again! Arsenaltsev saved the determination of Wenger. He indisputably, one by one, removed the successful Van Persie, and then the active Jungberg and Gleb, from the game (they only earned a fabulous amount of guest fouls for two - 7 + 9). It seemed that, although tired, carriers of an important intellectual component were excluded from the game.

So be it! But on the other hand, Adebayor and Baptista, who replaced them, added penetrative power and trampled on other people's resistance. And young Walcott was at the same time with that sensible head, and with those quick legs that materialized the genius of the coaching moves. The victorious second goal from the transfer of a cunning teenager was held by the right defender Ebue. To claim that he has joined the attack will be a distortion of the truth. This gambling Ivorian spent so much time on the offensive that he connected rather to the defense, which, in principle, did a good job without it.

The most alarming stretch for the Arsenal defense and Lehmann were minutes immediately after the second goal. It was Doll, with his usual impetuosity, who intended to recoup himself and was rebuilt to attack three forwards. Ambition was not supported by ammunition. In the first counterattack, Walcott showed his studded heels to everyone except Wechter, lured him closer to the flank and from there sent a ball to Baptiste's head, flying out in the center of the empty net.

This goal finally formulated for Arsenal a minimum goal for the remaining Portuguese exit. In the playoffs of Londoners will even draw. And the most funny, sad and intriguing at the same time is that she - a draw - will absolutely suit Porto! What would you do if you were a bookmaker?

For those who do not understand, we will explain. In the event that Arsenal, Porto and CSKA will score 11 points at the finish line (that is, a draw will happen in Porto and the army team will win in Hamburg), you will have to study the relationship of this trinity. Points will be equally divided. But goals - no. At Arsenal, the difference between scored and missed is plus 1, at Porto - 0, at CSKA - minus 1.

It turns out that the Moscow strike by Lucho Gonzalez to the right from Akinfeev “bottom” meant more than just a goal. In shifting to the current problems of CSKA, this was not an incident, but a harbinger of a possible disaster.

They counted to eight, but it was enough to just two ...


ARSENAL England - HAMBURG Germany - 3: 1 (0: 1)

Goals: 0: 1 - van der Warth (3), 1: 1 - van Persie (52), 2: 1 - Ebouet (82), 3: 1 - Baptista (87).

ARSENAL: Lehmann, Kolo Toure, Senderos, Jungberg (Walcott, 75), Clichy, Flamini, A. Gleb (Baptista, 81), Fabregas, van Persie (Adebayor, 70), Henri, Eboue.

HAMBURG: Wechter, Mahdavikia (Feilhaber, 45), Mataisen, Atuba (Lyuboya, 67), Reinhardt, Wiki (Laut, 87), Trochowski, Villinger, van der Warth, Sanogo, Benjamin.

Warnings: Senderos (19), Benjamin (27), van der Warth (32), A. Gleb (41), Sanogo (47), Henri (53), Clichy (57), Villinger (90).

November 21. London. Emirates Stadium. 22.45.

Judge: Klaus Bo Larsen (Denmark).


In the last round they play (December 6):

Hamburg - CSKA

Porto - Arsenal

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