Eremenko got into a policeman

Football players of Saturn near Moscow finally finished the season, meeting with the fans, and presented a few fans with balls, t-shirts and scarves. True, in a very strange way.

Near the Palace of Culture named after Vorovsky at the “Factory” platform in Ramenskoye it was crowded. The girls sat with the guys, hushed seeds and drank beer. They were clearly not up to football. But as they walked a dozen meters to the main entrance to this cultural institution, the picture changed. It immediately became clear that an interesting event dedicated to Saturn was supposed to be here. Many still drank beer and husked seeds. But they were dressed in club t-shirts.

The club’s press officer demonstrated the action plan. Everything was scheduled by the minute. For example, at 19.42, you should definitely start the clip. And at 19.52, the players were supposed to start giving balls and T-shirts.

There was little sense from the script, as the team was very late. And the players could forgive it - after all, on the eve they walked at the wedding of Dmitry Polovinchuk. However, the hero himself calmly stood on the street with a few partners and waited for the rest, getting from the base on the club bus. Among the players of "Saturn" stood out Alexei Eremenko, patiently freezing in almost summer clothes. At a distance fans fussed.

- Why are you staying? - one of them asked Oleg Vlasov.

- Well yes.

- Will you give me your t-shirt?

- Not.

This rejection did not spoil the fan’s good mood.

- And you? - one of the teenagers pointedly listlessly pointed his finger at Eremenko. “You stay too?”

- Of course! - exclaimed the Finnish forward, already pretty sick.

In the meantime, everyone could enjoy the exhibition of children's crafts dedicated to Saturn. Some prodigy made a huge layout of the stadium and the surrounding area. For this, he used plastic beer caps (judging by their number, the family had serious problems), polystyrene, and old foosball. However, it turned out beautifully.

A group of nursery comrades (average age 2.6 years) could not think of anything, but noted that they stained their hands with paint and left marks on the paper. The verse confirmed that they were smeared on completely legitimate grounds: “We are growing and we understand that we love Saturn. Our pens - hello to you. We are expecting great victories from you. ” Perhaps, as soon as they independently arrive at the stadium, they will see some kind of victory. But most likely there will be a draw. 0-0.

The highlight of the program is gifts from football players to fans. Each athlete was given a ball, t-shirt and scarf. As soon as the entertainer read out the characteristics of this or that player, the hero got up and threw the mentioned objects into the hall.

Renat Sabitov was described as a “conqueror of female hearts”. I'd like to believe that he is in the team not only by this criterion. By the way, Renat is almost the only one who handed over souvenirs from hand to hand without staging a crush.

But she began. Everyone in the room crowded around the stage. A lone policeman with difficulty restrained the crowd so that they would not rush to their favorites. But he got it. And it is very noticeable.

They announced the name of the player who “makes the best and most accurate passes”. Flattered, Alexei Eremenko decided to kick the ball into the hall with a rebound from the floor. And from a distance of a meter it hit the head of that very policeman very much. He turned tiredly and reproachfully looked at the football player. Alexei was embarrassed and discussed this episode with his partners for a long time.

When gifts were handed out and another cultural program began (for example, a girl sang live, and the team's goals were shown on the screen), the hall was noticeably empty. And the rest of the evening passed calmly.

Alexey Shevchenko

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