Vladimir Krikunov: “Nobody will fire me”

Hockey metropolitan Dynamo suffered a fourth defeat in a row (from St. Petersburg SKA - 1: 2) and fell to 11th place in the national championship. After the match in the locker room there was a tough conversation. But the head coach assures that nothing terrible is happening.

In the middle of the third period, the legendary sports announcer Valentin Valentinov (he voiced almost all of the football at Luzhniki, as well as hockey at Dynamo) received a professional injury. The table at which he works seems to be protected from dangers by protective glass. But after the martial arts at the side of the puck jumped and fell on his head.

The referee stopped the game and called the Dynamo doctor Valery Konov to the referee's table. The lineman tried to hand his helmet to Valentinov, but he nobly refused. The bleeding was stopped not without difficulty.

“The first time I get into this situation,” Valentinov said after the match in surprise and enthusiasm. - They even put stitches on me. But I feel great, do not worry.

This episode was the highlight of the match. Hockey exceeded worst expectations. Dynamo head coach Vladimir Krikunov explained this with an abundance of injuries.

“Today Ling returned to us (the North American legionary stayed at home because his father was sick, A.Sh.),” Krikunov tried to infect everyone with confidence. - And in the next meeting we will play in the optimal composition.

However, they did not believe him. Journalists were wondering if the chair had swung under the coach.

“Nothing pumped beneath me,” he grinned. - I will work with the team until the end. At least until the end of the season. No one will fire me.

Dynamo authorities blame only hockey players. After the game, while the coach was at the press conference, an unplanned meeting was held in the locker room, where the players were told something very unpleasant.

“The authorities were completely stunned,” one of Dynamo was indignant after this meeting. - All dogs were hung on experienced players. Like, they can’t cope. After all, it is clear that gain is needed. But no one gives money for beginners. And competitors are not asleep. And what to talk about if we train as if training camps are going on? There is no freshness. There are no more forces.

Apparently, Denis Kulyash also got it, which literally flew out of the locker room, not noticing friends and acquaintances. He ran away even from his family. A wife with two children kept up with the defender not without difficulty.

They say that Kulyash is a consistent supporter of the dismissal of Krikunov. He believes that the coach does not cope with the work, and instead of sensible advice offends the athletes. But nobody decides to support the former player of the national team (Vyacheslav Bykov does not need Kulyash with the current game). And they make him extreme.

Evil came out and Alexander Kharitonov. The last time he threw six matches back.

- Interview ?! - the striker raged. - Fuck you, not an interview! Leave us alone. Let rest calmly. Let it work calmly. Spoken already.

Nothing more interesting at the Dynamo - SKA match.

Alexey Shevchenko

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