“The torpedo team had an unusual composition”

Head coach of Moscow Leonid Slutsky admitted that he had not guessed the composition of Torpedo and that if his team had not won, he would have carefully watched the penalty shoot-out episode.

After the break, Guus Hiddink returned to the podium for honored guests with obvious reluctance. It was clear that he absolutely did not like either the game or the surroundings (all spectators would easily fit in one sector), nor the weather. Alexander Borodyuk encouraged the chef with a smile. Surely he said that everything is not so scary that there are three more rounds ahead and then it will be definitely unbearable. The Dutchman frowned, and there was something. Potential players of the national team (Adamov, Kuzmin, Kirichenko and Semak) did not stand out on the field at all.

Most of the Torpedo players after the game skillfully passed the mixed zone. And goalkeeper Maxim Kabanov went to the executioners to the fans. Listening to the claims, he nodded in agreement. But there were few questions for him - the goalkeeper was the only one who fought. A girl in a fanatical "rose", standing next to Kabanov, cried.

Moscow players were not averse to talking. Yuri Zhevnov admitted that he was lucky during the penalty, he just fell in the right direction. Stanislav Ivanov revealed the secret of success, explaining that during the break the coach advised the players to calm down.

Leonid Slutsky himself complained on the field. And added:

- In the first half, we played very badly. And then it got better. Controlled the course of the match, scored. But the key moment of the meeting is an unrealized penalty. Really ... I don’t remember the torpedo moments.

- And why didn’t the game work in the first half?

- Complex issue. The synthetic field is probably partly to blame. The technique on it changes a little. Usually I forbid to handle the ball in place, but on the artificial field the opposite is true - you need to recoup only with a second touch. In short, they could not adapt at first.

- And why did you replace the players, should they score?

- It happened. We saw that in the central zone we are not doing well, there are a lot of losses. And therefore, the replacement of one of the forwards with a midfielder suggested itself. And with Bystrov, the answer is on the surface - he was just tired. He had too much emotional exhaust, especially in the last meeting.

- The match was Guus Hiddink. Do not you think that he was disappointed with the game of Roman Adamov?

- No, in the second half he was not bad. On Roman a lot of fouls, he clung to the ball. And in the first half the game failed for the whole team.

- You were not surprised that the “Torpedo” played too weak for the club, which is fighting for survival?

- I do not want to think that someone is playing weakly or strongly.

The torpedo team had a fairly experimental composition. I always try to guess who the opponent will enter the field. But this time he did not expect that Sokolov would appear, there would be no Lutsenko, Kantonistov and Kormiltsev. Do they have any problems?

- Yes, everyone is different. Cantonists, for example, are exiled to double.

“I didn't know about that.”

- If Moscow had played unsuccessfully today, would you have filed a protest on a penalty spot?

- It is hard to say. At us, everything is emotionally evaluated at first. If everything had ended wrong, then we would have watched that episode.

- But you were not surprised by this decision of Igor Egorov?

- I still can’t understand who at that moment the ball fell into the hand.

Alexey Shevchenko

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