“It is necessary to buy a rubber bagel for the ending. Like those in dog shops "

The mood of the fans is akin to the weather. At the Zenit guests are already doubting the qualifications of a lawyer. On Spartak again believe in Fedotov. The Dynamo call urgent to dismiss Kobelev. And only on the locomotive continue. Scolding Filatov.

FC Spartak Moscow is an unofficial sponsor of the Corvalol medicine.

Lover of Blondes, guest BB (Spartak)

Penalty watched. Because I always look. Although yesterday I really wanted to squint. But he forbade himself. It is impossible. If I turn away, then what should I do on the field? And so he bit his knuckles ... It is necessary for the ending of the championship to buy a rubber bagel. Well, like those in dog shops.

DyG, guest BB (Spartak)


There will be no meat first. If this happens, it can be expressed in the words of Yu. Semenov from “Seventeen Moments of Spring”: “Either the world turned upside down, or Kaltenbrunner married a Jewess.”

Perun, guest "Armored train" ("Locomotive")


I am not a masochist, and now I am very ill. But today for ten minutes I felt like a Man. In the filthy "Puddle". Worth it. However, as rightly noted butchers from the rostrum “B”, the first league ...
MX-16, guest SASHO (Dynamo)


Luzhniki - collapse! Like the Basmanny market ... I have a list of desired victims. Excuse me.

LIS, guest SASHO (Dynamo)


On TV it looked very nice how they shoved Jean from the field. At first I thought he was very offended by the judge and he was taken away from sin. But no. He didn’t even say a word. Just comrades poked in the back, sensitive such. Surely in the locker room I got my best ...
North Cat, guest "On the Sands" (CSKA)


And about faith - it is in vain. Vera died somewhere between Prokopenko and Georgich. Here is the hope - yes. She just glues the last flippers. We will see on November 18th. There is no fear, there is an ass. Such a big one, bold, with the logo of the first division. But everyone has asses. And everyone is sitting on them. Yes, only someone sometimes tears them away from what they are sitting on, and goes for the UEFA Cup, for the championship, well, or the Intertoto Cup. And in our country this process is chronically frozen.

Technologist, guest “Western Tribune” (“Dynamo”)


Accidentally did not mix up the passports of Dominguez and Cavi? Maybe Dominguez is Cavi, and Cavi is Dominguez? Everything is very strange.

xmeli, guest BB (Spartak)


And from the positive. In the frame of the pigs again was the irresistible Wojciech. So, Fedotov’s faith in this gifted Pole has not dried up. That is, in each of the remaining matches, we have the right to hope for at least one more small football miracle.

Artist, guest "On the Sands" (CSKA)


I realized that if Dynamo takes off, then with the calendar of the first league it will be very bad for the lawn on which we also play. And it became alarming for me. Although the championship is alarming more. For his sake, you can put a garden.

Wald, guest on the sand (CSKA)


You surprise me. After such matches, there is enough strength to surf the Internet, carry some kind of blizzard with a claim to analytics, express emotions about Moscow performances, disassemble the game of our own losers, give ratings to our helmsman, whose entire coaching genius we still have to comprehend, but already next season . Myself too surprised. What kind of bolt I sit and knock on the keys? I'm going to have a drink ...
OO , guest ZIA (“Zenith”)


My grandmother calls me at the end of the match and asks:

- And who is commenting on this?

- Orlov.

“Oooh, such a bitch,” said the grandmother and hung up the phone.

Iroquois, guest ZIA (“Zenith”)


We need to start our spirit. On the base. Start with cabbage soup. They have borsch, and we have cabbage soup. Legendary Zenit cabbage soup! And then Andryushka [Arshavin] will no longer look into the Moscow forest as a wolf.
GDR, guest ZIA (“Zenith”)


Well, of course, Shirl lost this match. How did everyone not guess at once? I even think it was he who forced VNK * to give that transfer before the second goal, and also inspired Hagen that he could do anything. This Shirl, apparently, is training non-standard skills at Denisov's “take a moment”, “eyes to the ground” and the skill “when the ball hits, it bounces no less than 5 meters”. This Shirle teaches Kerzh to take the ball with his back to the goal, and it is desirable if there are two or three defenders nearby, as well as blows from idiotic positions. And Shirl does something like this, so that everyone else looks like a dust bag.
Bender , guest ZIA (“Zenith”)


I'd like to look into the sincere, kind eyes of Filatov ...

SherLOK, guest of Lokomotiv


Nothing will help. Dolmatov's karma has three canceled goals and two unassigned penalties. One is comforting. In the first league he will not have time to withdraw us this season. It is hoped that the wise leadership will re-sign the contract for the next year. And we will have happiness.

UNI, guest "Armored train" ("Locomotive")


* VNK - Vlad [Radimov] - our captain.

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