“Here you are, Andryusha, a pass from the traffic police”

At the Novye Khimki stadium, Khimki football players issued a pass to the Premier League, not only easily defeating the Voronezh Fakel 3-0, but also receiving support from Kaliningrad, where Baltika took points from the pursuer of the Moscow Region team, Ural ".

At first it was planned to start the match with Fakel at 14.00. But he was postponed to 19.00. Knowledgeable people say: not only in order to attract more viewers. The Governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov did not have time to arrive at two o’clock. And without it, the holiday would not be the same.

Going sober in Russia, and even more so in November, is a kind of bad manners. So, the police quite calmly turned a blind eye to the apparent instability of the fans. They felt so comfortable that they tried to drive out the match inspector from the rostrum.

“You, man, get out of here,” they said menacingly to the official who was stationed in the press box. - We have tickets to these places. Five minutes later we will kick you out if we don’t sit anywhere.

The inspector was grimly silent. The Khimki press attache somehow coped with the situation.

During the game, the public in expressions was not shy. But the norms of foul language adopted at other stadiums did not exceed.

- Come on, pencil case! - they demanded from the referee from the starting seconds.

Football turned out to be typical for the first division. “Khimki”, played, of course, stronger and deservedly won. The best on the field was, as always, Andrei Tikhonov. He managed to "cram" each of the partners who were mistaken in the episodes. And at the same time he scored a goal and rarely made mistakes in assists.

Fans several times began to chant the name of the midfielder. And in honor of him they arranged a powerful fire show, hardly possible when the audience was strictly examined by the police. But the guardians of law and order, we repeat, behaved too loyally.

The governor watched the game calmly, did not jump up at the goals, but after the first ball he put on a club scarf. However, the team’s locker room after the match, Gromov did not visit. And no one understood whether it was worth looking for a hidden meaning in this act. Maybe the person just wanted to get home early.

A few minutes before the final whistle, the fans no longer hid that they were going to run on the field to congratulate the heroes personally. And they ran. Someone tried to steal the ball, but it still stopped. Someone asked for a T-shirt, but he was not given. On the field broke a dozen three outsiders. In principle, this can be considered a calm reaction to the epoch-making success for the club.

Andrei Tikhonov calmly talked with reporters, when suddenly reporters began to push people in uniform. They handed the footballer a photo where he was shot with a certain man. Andrei was surprised to see the picture.

“This is for you, Andryusha, a pass from the traffic police,” said a plain man, around whom policemen in uniform created a free zone. “Now you can ride around the city as you want.”

“Thank you,” Tikhonov was embarrassed.

“I'll go, we will get to know each other later,” the man (apparently this was the head of the local traffic police) turned around and left.

Tikhonov continued to say that "last year the team was not ready for the Premier League, but this time it was the other way around."

Near the locker room, Yegor Titov was waiting for him. Fans stood nearby and chanted the name of the Spartacus. Titov kissed Tikhonov and said goodbye.

“So, quickly drive Yegor to the car,” Andrei ordered the police.

They obeyed a man with a formidable photograph in his hand and drove off autograph lovers from Titov.

There were few emotions in the locker room. We drank a glass of champagne. It turned out that tomorrow the team had training. And although Tikhonov said that the game of the final round with Kuban would be friendly, the club management set the task to take first place in the league.

The governor will probably come again.

Alexey Shevchenko

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