Catching Yesterday

Having beaten “Moscow” on the Dynamo lawn, CSKA made it forget about an unexpected draw with “Amkar”. Not so much the result as the game of the army team convinced of the high probability of their champion finish.

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  • Winners, albeit not equally divided, should share compliments for the entertainment of the match with the losers. “Citizens” were deprived of the right to choose between pragmatic prudence and an attempt to wash away the Rubinov’s shame 0: 5. Valery Gazzayev accurately anticipated the revenge impulse of the rivals and gave the order from the start to play on the opposite course. The army team laid this course so firmly and decisively that at first the opponent went around spinning his head.

    The hosts far in the alien half took an unusually large force to conquer the ball with its losses. The pressure led to frequent gaffes of the players of “Moscow” in a dangerous proximity to their goal. Even before the first goal scored in the 25th minute, Zhevnov could easily be soaked both by Dudu (a header with a bounce from the lawn above the goal) and Wagner Love (a miss from the penalty area after an amazing three-way touch with Aldonin and Carvalho). And the Brazilian striker opened the score, masterfully closing the left-flank “cross” Zhirkov under the nose at Okoronkvo.

    It is significant that the change of the situation, which is gratifying for the army, did not change their playing mood at all. The first line of defense remained as high as at the beginning. Gazzaev set at least a doublet on a shot. But the desire of CSKA to squeeze the game to someone else's penalty was inevitable costs. If the “townspeople” managed to get out from under the first wave of selection, then in front of them a much more rarefied space was opened for maneuver. And there are plenty of masters to scatter in the open at the disposal of Leonid Slutsky. The most cunning is Barrientos. At the 31st minute, he performed a flanking pass from the left, which slipped at the feet of Ignashevich and reached Adamov, who equalized the score with a shot from the goalie line.

    CSKA seemed unaware of the embarrassment. He methodically added momentum and managed to return the status quo to the break. Akinfeev, Dudu, Carvalho and Wagner Love drew the standard goal attack in three passes. The last of the Brazilians, before striking, performed in the free-ride attraction "the contour of the Rack and two more."

    If you trust the protocol, everything interesting happened in the first half. In reality, the second half, although without goals, turned out to be no worse. During the break, Gazzayev removed Krasich from the flank to the center. This added color to the attacks. With the release of Olic, the offensive dominant appeared even more distinctly. And even the last of the replacements only speculatively looked like a retreat from the game from a position of strength. The army team held the initiative tightly. And Lava Taranov, who came out instead of Wagner, seemed to complete the most acute episode of the half with a sure blow - Zhevnov canceled the goal with a sharp throw.

    Moscow had no such attacks.

    Sergey NOVIKOV

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