Sergey Gomolyako: “They took me and set me up as a coach”

One of the most controversial Russian hockey players Sergey Gomolyako was supposed to play for one of the teams this year. But unexpectedly for everyone, he became a coach and now helps Mike Krushelnitsky in Chekhov's Vityaz. In an interview with SPORT Today, Gomolyako made out the main mistakes of his boss.

- Sergey, why did you start your coaching career in Vityaz?

- Yes, they put me here and said - work.

- Who set it?

- Well ...

- So you are surprised at your appointment?

- I was invited to Vityaz to another position. Alexey Zhamnov became the general manager of the club and invited him as an assistant. I agreed. But everything has changed.

- More recently, you were a player. When did you decide to end your career?

- Yes, just now. I prepared for the current season, planned that I would play in the national championship. But I had an injury that I could not heal. As a result, the doctors forbade me to play.

- What are the first impressions of the new job?

- Not very good yet. After my appointment, the team spent three matches and did not win a single one. I hope that everything will change soon. In general, I would like to become a good specialist, learn more about coaching. I'd love to.

- You were a rather ambiguous hockey player. There were no questions on the ice for you, but off the court you could play a trick, have some fun. How do you feel about players of your type now?

- I have not been working as a coach for a long time and, frankly, I still don’t know at all how I will relate to them. Probably ok. Let the person be cheerful, the main thing is that he can play hockey. After all, there are those who laugh and joke, but stand on the ice.

- Will you be a tough coach?

- I don’t know yet. I hope that when I learn everything, I will be a good coach. In addition, I will ask for help from those professionals with whom I was fortunate enough to work. I want to be not tough, but fair.

- You, for example, will lock hockey players at the base? Or make sure they don’t drink hard drinks on their day off ...

- To monitor whether they drink or not, I will never. But I have certain thoughts about the fees.

- You said that you would ask famous experts for advice. Who are these people?

- There are many great coaches I have worked with. Valery Belousov, Gennady Tsygurov, Alexander Astashov ...

- ... Valery Postnikov, who once, as a player, you almost fired ...

- No, I will not ask him anything.

- It so happened that you started your career with a North American coach. There are probably a lot of things in Mike Krushelnitsky’s work that you don’t understand?

“Mike needs to get used to our mentality.” He measures everything by Canadian standards, but here it is unacceptable. Krushelnitski believes that players themselves can come to the match, that they themselves must prepare for the season, have a lot of rest during the championship. But this does not benefit Russian players.

“Well, the dictator is already talking about you.” Do you think that a soft specialist will not be able to work in the Super League?

- Yes.

- Did you make a conclusion from your career?

- Not only. I just see how our team is playing now.

Alexey Shevchenko

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