“Spartak” - “Zenith”. Boyarsky was eager for a lawyer

The police clearly did not expect the game between Spartak and Zenit to gather so many spectators in Luzhniki. Basically, those who searched the fans could not cope, so that they would not carry the forbidden. People dissatisfied with the expectation (cold, and the match has already begun) showed discontent, and then received batons on the back.

Clashes on the field of fan love and hate began even near the stadium. Some crazy Petrograd put on a “rose” of CSKA. Moreover, I decided to go to the Spartak fans. Those, of course, could not bear such arrogance.

“Hey you, take off the rose,” they immediately poked him in the stomach with a fist, but not much.

“Why should I take her off?” - the Petersburger was perplexed. - I’m a fan of Zenit.

There was little logic in his words. But he continued to persist. Probably, the alcoholic drinks taken before going to the stadium were to blame. This behavior could not be explained in any other way.

The scarf was ripped from the guy, trampled in the mud, but the Zenit fan adequately picked it up and put it on his neck again. For some reason, the police did not intervene in this conflict. Apparently, she was wondering how it would all end.

However, law enforcement officers had other matters. They could not reassure fans who tried to break into the stands without inspection. It should be noted that the police searched the fans very slowly, and when almost 50 thousand people aspire to the stands, this leads to traffic jams. The most dissatisfied received with batons, but it didn’t hurt. In response, the police heard the whole truth about themselves.

... Banner war in Luzhniki did not work. More precisely, the Spartacists won it "in one wicket." First, they demonstrated a caricatured globe with cartoons on Tatyana Bulanova, Valentina Matvienko (here we may be wrong), the homeless and Mikhail Boyarsky. All of this was signed: “Planet Zenith.

Speaking of Boyarsky. The actor was in the stadium and behaved so strangely that the guards almost brought him out. At first, the man in the black hat stood calmly in the press box and posed for photographers with pleasure. But closer to the break I went to the gutter along which the players pass. And he persistently called someone.

Fans could not calmly look at the cultural heritage.

“You would have taken a picture with us,” one Spartak fan asked carefully.

- And what? - inspired Boyarsky. - I'm ready.

I must say that he was taken far away from the place that for some reason he had taken. I also had to give autographs. But then strange things started. In the second half, for some reason, the artist went to the football field, on the bench of the St. Petersburg club. What he wanted to advise there, no one knows. But it all ended with the guard running in and escorting d'Artagnan to the podium. Boyarsky grabbed his head and sat alone in the front row, below the soldiers. Experience shows that the game is not visible from there ...

The second banner of Spartak was dedicated to the lawyer. The drawn trainer was lighting a cigarette from a lighter with the inscription Gazprom. The scene was called the Dutch Plan. To be honest, there was no sense of humor in this.

As for the chants, nothing new was heard in them. The Spartacists, of course, did not miss the opportunity to tease Vladislav Radimov. And Petersburgers focused on their support.

A couple of minutes before the final whistle, the fans of the teams lit the fires (not to lose the goodness). As a result, when Spartak really scored, there were no more lights. Fans of “Zenith” noted the launch of two missiles that fell near Dmitry Khomich. The goalkeeper is not scared.

Alexey Shevchenko

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