Such a movie. About Kharlamov

The famous Russian director Yegor Konchalovsky shared his plans to make a feature film about hockey player Valery Kharlamov. There is already a leading actor and a preliminary budget (the amount was not disclosed). There is no scenario or understanding of hockey. But they will fix it.

They say that in the invitations that invited the journalists to a press conference in Baltschug-Kempinski, the participation of Anatoly Tarasov, a famous Soviet coach, was announced. Fortunately, his nameplate was not on the table. But they waited for Vyacheslav Fetisov, but the head of Rossport did not appear either (of course, not for the reason that the hockey patriarch).

But there was a future vice president of the hockey "Spartak" Gelani Tovbulatov. It was impossible not to talk with him about the future of the “national” team.

- Why has the press conference been canceled several times, where they should introduce the new owner of the club?

- All will be. Everything will be soon. You see, there are a few technical details that need to be settled. And the ambitions of some people interfere.

- Which ones?

- Different. But do not worry. Everything at Spartak will be fine.

Hockey dialogue did not interest anyone present. Some began to glance with suspicion, hearing the unfamiliar words: “Spartak”, the Super League ... The audience was specific, cinema-television. One journalist loudly found out where the son of Kharlamov was. Alexander stood nearby, but out of modesty did not dare to give a sign.

“Are you a son?” - the woman finally rushed to him.

“I am a son,” Alexander answered meekly.

They talked about how the protagonist’s family will take part in the film. It turned out that there was already one preliminary meeting with the scriptwriters. That's all for now.

Egor Konchalovsky was already sitting at the table, studying some documents and simultaneously cursing on the phone. They decided to start the press conference. The famous sports journalist Vsevolod Kukushkin approached the topic from afar.

“I remember not only how the great Kharlamov played,” he said excitedly. - But how his son was drafted in the NHL. Was at this event.

Alexander modestly looked down.

“Hockey is life, and life is a serious thing,” Kukushkin was clearly philosophical. - I give the floor to the general producer of the film and the main actor Mel Borzu.

“We want to make an honest movie,” said the actor and producer.

“I want to remind people of the great era,” supported Yegor Konchalovsky. - And, frankly, I'm afraid to start this film.

At this point, the director's mobile rang. He dropped the bell.

“Kharlamov is on a par with Vysotsky and Dovlatov,” continued Konchalovsky. But the phone interrupted him again. “Hey, get my phone.” There, as always, Olga was late, and she does not know where to go. Tell her.

Konchalovsky was no longer distracted and shared his feelings about the film for about fifteen minutes. It will be called "17" - in honor of the number, under which the great hockey player played.

- And who will play the main role? - unexpectedly inquired from the audience.

Mel Borz choked.

- No, who will play the role of Kharlamov on ice? - the journalist was persistent. - He did have a unique technique. No Ilya Kovalchuk was standing nearby.

Konchalovsky raised his eyebrows in surprise - the surname sounded to him clearly did not say anything.

- We have some little things, secrets. You’ll have to come up with something, ”he admitted. - But in general, this film will allow me to return to the era of the late 70s - early 80s.

Suddenly, the backdrop began to fall with a poster for the future film. However, no one moved.

The scriptwriters, Vladimir Moiseenko and Alexander Novototsky, also gave their word. They reported that there are no texts yet, but they probably will be soon. When? Soon. At the same time, they promised not to invent anything, but to dispense with facts from the biography of the legend.

Participants in the press conference began to recall funny cinematic stories. Vsevolod Kukushkin decided to keep up with them.

“I came once to Kharlamov’s room,” he recalled. - And in Canada there were such hotels where you could walk from room to room. I hear a noise. I ask Valera what is going on there. And he says that it is Tretyak who drank a glass of vodka and barely holds on. And Kharlamov himself looks at his leg, which hurt him, and says that he wants to return to the ice, but his leg is behind.

Despite a friendly laugh, the meaning of the story did not reach the majority. However, those present asked Yegor Konchalovsky not to shoot comedy about Kharlamov. Because too brilliant he was a hockey player. Although, on the other hand, if you remove something like "Antikiller", it will not be pleasant either ...

Alexey Shevchenko

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