Sincerely Yours

The youth team of Russia did not have a reserve of three goals - the Portuguese team will go to the 2007 European Championship.

In the previous series, the Russian youth team heroically won the first butt match against the arrogant Portuguese - the number one European team received four holes in Moscow. The Portuguese players, of course, did not diminish the ambition - this is basically not possible - but Jose Cousheiro's team nevertheless made certain conclusions. This time, the Russian team was taken with all the seriousness that the Portuguese are only capable of.

Alexander Borodyuk and his team did not fly to Portugal - affairs of national importance called him to St. Petersburg, where our first team is about to play with the Estonians. Moreover, the main thing, in the general opinion, has already been done, and in Portugal it was just necessary not to spoil the porridge. The coaching tandem from Viktor Losev and Nikolai Khudiev acted as oil. They did not begin to reinvent the wheel and made one single rearrangement - instead of Torbinsky, from the first minutes the torpedo defender Kolesnikov left.

The Portuguese immediately and immediately claimed a ball, which, however, did not meet much resistance from the guests. Apparently, the motto adopted by the Russian team for this match reads: three goals are good, and four are not better. At first, the smell of fried Russians did not haunt too much - they defended themselves without fuss, calmly and confidently. Themselves, however, almost did not attack, but they were, as it were, mentally prepared to go on the offensive at some point in time.

Troubles began in the 23rd minute. The only Russian striker Savin was injured, and the coaches had to change him to Torbinsky. Clinging to the ball in the middle of the field immediately became much more difficult, and Savin helped a lot in the game with his head. And the Portuguese, meanwhile, decided that it was necessary to take the Russian team with permanent awnings: they didn’t hide from the coach Kouciere the “weekend” problems of goalkeeper Khomich. On each of the flanks, the hosts showed up according to Cristiano Ronaldo - not in skill, but in ambition. Beats such our defender and let's go into the penalty area - they will sort it out. In the end, after one of the corners the ball fell into Cherenchikov’s hand, the judge didn’t be a fool, pointed to the point, and the Portuguese captain Moutinho won one goal.

The deposit did not go to the benefit of the Russians. The guests got nervous, began to foul, began to succumb to Portuguese provocations. As a result, the Dutch referee Fink removed Kolesnikov from the field before the break - perhaps not too fair. However, our players should not blame the judge - they themselves have released the match out of control. Instead of a deliberate game of defense, the most complete retreat has already gone - if only to live up to the 90th minute. And with the Portuguese it’s not so possible - passion as they like, when the opponent lays with bones in his own penalty box.

For some time, the Portuguese were rescued by Portuguese attackers. A cool forward from this country is still a species listed in the Red Book. Getting the ball in a good position, yours and those like him beat our defenders, corner flags and other inanimate objects from the heart. The problem was that our defenders gave practice to the opponents every minute, and in such conditions even the most inveterate tree would beat something. It was at the 66th minute that Jalu upset Khomich with a header - 2: 0.

Honestly, it became clear here that the matter will not end in good. Our team clearly didn’t smile at the goal, it went to the center of the field every three years, replenishing fresh water was a necessary thing in the siege. As for the Portuguese, with all the uniformity of their attacks, the number would certainly go into quality. Actually, this trouble happened pretty soon - the nth flank attack in the cube ended in embarrassment in the form of Ivan Taranov's own goal. You couldn’t play further - luck, as you know, loves the strong. In the first match we were such, in the second - already an opponent. And there is nothing to hide here - no matter how sad it sounds.

In hot pursuit it is very easy to blame everything on Borodyuk - why didn’t he go, really, is the match against Estonia more important? It’s even easier to blame the judge who allegedly “killed” the team. Only all this does not matter. Alas, we could not complete the work we had begun, and the brilliant game of the national team in Moscow will now be forgotten as something idle and almost implausible.
But such matches are a great sin to forget - so many things could be built, educated, developed. And from all this, only a dry line in the protocol will remain, deceived hopes and a signature at the end by hand - sincerely Yours.


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