Collin summed up "Clean legs"

Pierluigi Colline faces two years of excommunication

The Italian referee Pierluigi Collina, after the end of his career, remains the most popular and recognizable judge in the world. Although now, perhaps, he is expected to be excommunicated for two years. The name of the most flawless arbiter of our time turned out to be dragged into a grandiose scandal related to football corruption in the Apennines.

The objectivity, equanimity and personal charm of Collina, who lost all her hair as a result of a rare disease - total alopecia, allowed him to gain the respect of not only football players, but also millions of fans. His decisions on the field could raise doubts, but not scandals. When Collin turned 45 in February 2005, he could well count on a career extension, although under international football laws, referees at this age finish work on the field. However, the authority of Collina, five times recognized as the best judge of the world, was above the rules. The Italian Federation specifically for him even raised the age limit for referees in his championship.

Still, Collin had to end the judging. A colorful referee has always attracted the attention of large companies offering him attractive advertising contracts. One of them put an end to his judicial biography. Collina signed an agreement for 800 thousand euros with the German automobile concern Opel, which is also sponsored by the famous club Milan. In such a situation, his objectivity began to raise doubts. Collina ceased to judge, but remained in football - received the position of representative of Italy in the UEFA football referee commission.

Even the scandal that broke out on the Apennines this spring did not at first affect him. The operation of the Italian justice received a very "talking" name - "Clean legs". In connection with the facts of corruption, the heads of Federation officials and club managers flew in the Italian championship. Six months later, the judge also “hooked”: wiretapping of telephone conversations convicted Collin in conversations with the now former Milan manager Leonardi Meani. It is not clear what they were talking about, but the football regulations strictly prohibit any contact of the referees with team representatives. Now Collin must testify in the Italian prosecutor's office. However, the preliminary verdict has already been announced - the ex-referee faces a two-year ban on practicing any sporting activity.

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