Two out of twenty seven

On Saturday morning, Chelsea took second place in the championship of England, Portsmouth - fourth. Nothing came of this. Londoners easily coped with the sluggish resistance of the Redknapp team, inflicting 27 shots on goal on James. Two have reached the goal. Shevchenko and Ballack - finally!

  • Championship of England. Manchester United beat Liverpool
  • Jose Mourinho remembered that behind a difficult game with Barcelona, ​​and in the near future a trip to the Nou Camp was ahead. Someone had to rest. Makelele and Bulahruz received a respite. The place of the defensive midfielder was given to Essien, and in the attack the Portuguese tested the scheme with three forwards. There were fears that Shevchenko would have to play an extreme striker (only this was still not enough!), But nothing happened. It turned out this way: Drogba and Shevchenko, as usual, were in the center. Robben attacked from one or the other flank, but more all the same to the left. The zeal of the Dutchman did not leave a chance to participate in the attacks of Ashley Cole. No matter how much he ran forward, he regularly ran across Robben's back.

    True, in the case of Porstmouth, Londoners did not need the efforts of two people on the same edge. The absence of Johnson (the defender is rented from the champions and has no right to play against his club) forced Redknapp to declare Pamaro. The Frenchman rushed into battle and missed Robben four times in the first forty-five minutes. Clever all the mistakes cleared clever James, rushing to the goalkeeper and beat off everything that flew on target. The work of a colleague from the Chelsea goal was watched by almost unused Ilariu. The Portuguese, who celebrated his 31st birthday on match day, is still a mystery man. He does not miss and is not mistaken. Neither Barcelona nor Portsmouth gave him a chance.

    The team of Harry Redknapp received the nickname “Chelsea for the poor” and is modeled after successful Londoners - this is known. When it came time to meet the original, it turned out that Portsmouth was rather Watford for the rich. ” A set of very decent players does not provide serious quality. For a successful start, Nwanquo Kanu and James were in excellent shape. At Stamford Bridge, this is not enough. Throughout the first half, Redknapp sat on a bench with his feet on the curb and contemplated his own socks. Meanwhile, the champions missed many points on the field, and Kanu was injured.

    In the second half of the torment of the guests, Andrey Shevchenko generously stopped, who sent the ball into the goal through Campbell's leg. The joyful Ukrainian rushed into the crowd of fans, received congratulations from the fans and a warning from judge Kalattenberg. Then Drogba threw the ball at Ballack, and he scored his first goal in the Premier League. The German also ran to the podium, but was more restrained. But Klattenberg thought and drew the card again. Redknapp sighed, took his legs off the chair and took out a pre-prepared bag of juice ....

    Then there was an unscored goal by Drogba and a successful hit by Mwaruwari. Mourinho began to save the result, replaced Robben, who launched both assists, and Shevchenko.

    Andrey was animated only by episodes, but Drogba and Lampard began to understand him. Active play across the flanks seemed to help. What, interestingly, will change when Mourinho returns to his ideas of the beginning of the season? For example, he will return Makelele to the squad and put him on Robben's bench again. Or not plant?

    For the last 30 minutes, the blue have only thought about the next matches, about Blackburn and Catalonia. Guests played a little faster. Probably, they were encouraged by a hammered ball. Chelsea, having lost all interest in the opponent, defended themselves. In the end, the Londoners lived to see the final whistle and left, thinking about the future. How “Portsmouth” in the first eight rounds missed only three times, remains a mystery. Apparently, James is a genius.

    Vladimir STOGNIENKO

    CHELSEY - PORTSMOUT 2: 1 (0: 0)

    Goals : Shevchenko, 55 (1: 0), Ballack, 57 (2: 0), Mvaruvari, 69 (2: 1)

    Chelsea : Ilariu Ferreira, Carvalho, Terry, E. Cole, Essien, Lampard, Ballack (Bulahruz, 90), Robben (D. Cole, 66), Shevchenko (Makelele, 76), Drogba

    Portsmouth : James - Pamarot, Primus, Campbell, Taylor, O'Neill, Mendes (Topmson, 83), Fernandez (E. Cole, 58), Kranchar, Kanu (Davis, 46), Mwaruwari

    Warnings : Pamarot, 43; Mendes, 51; Shevchenko, 56; Ballack, 58; D. Cole, 90

    October 21. Stamford Bridge, 6 p.m.

    Judge: Mark Clattenburg (Tyne and Weer).


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