David Beckham: “You Will Follow My Game For A Long Time”

None of the transfers that happened this winter can be compared in resonance with the decision of David Beckham. The recent captain of the England national team refused the contract proposed by Real Madrid and decided to move to a remote football outback - in Los Angeles, where it will earn $ 250 million in five years. With such a contract, it seems silly to ask about the reasons for the move, but on the instructions of PROport, the Spanish journalist Francisco Asedo Torregrosa nevertheless asked.

Hello David. We talked three days ago ...

Yes I remember. It's a little strange to see you here again. I was told that this would not be an interview for a Spanish magazine.

That's right - this time the magazine is Russian, PROsport. They sent a list of questions for you.

Russian? Interesting. It seems that in the last two weeks I have given interviews to journalists from around the world. But, in my opinion, Russian magazines did not contact me. Do you have any questions on your list that I usually don’t ask?

There is. Here, for example: last year in Russia there was a rumor that Gazprom could buy you for its Zenit team from St. Petersburg. Is it true?

Not true. I don’t know anything about Gazprom, or about Zenit from St. Petersburg. I think this is one of the ridiculous rumors of which there have been so many lately.

And how big is your knowledge about Russian football? For example, do you know who Valery Gazzayev is?

Hmmm ... Knowledge is not too great, to be honest. Russian football is known in Europe, in Russia there are many strong players. I think the championship and the national team should occupy higher positions now, but I’m sure that soon it will be so - new people will come. Who is Gazzayev? One of the most important Russian trainers in recent years. Yes?

Yes, I think so. If not, then the Moscow edition will correct us. But most of all I have no purely Russian questions - only about Madrid, the USA and England.


There is a feeling that moving to the USA for such a football player as you is almost surrender. You have not won the main trophies of world football, and it is impossible to get the Golden Ball in MLS. Have you really decided that the peak of your career is over?

Switching to MLS is not a step back in my career. This is an interesting offer, and you will continue to follow me and my game for a long time. This is not a well-paid pension, as people began to say.

You said that you see your mission in increasing the popularity of football in the USA. But this was not possible at the time Pele and Cruyff. What can you offer the Americans that your predecessors could not offer?

I cannot compare myself with Pele or Cruyff. At a minimum, they are much more respected players than me. But when they came to the USA, the world was different - advertising and television did not play such a role as now. Now, much can be achieved through promotion. I will be satisfied with my work if during the MLS matches people go to the stadiums, the audience of TV matches increases, and the children start playing European football.

So you insist that the main motive for moving to Los Angeles is not money?

Yes, I insist! Money is not the main thing in my life. I, in Real Madrid, would prefer to earn less and win more titles. But I go to Los Angeles under a special contract, perhaps the last in my professional life, and it makes me happy.

The main question that torments ordinary fans: “What can you spend 50 million a year on?” And really, what? Does your family have wide expense items?

I do not discuss my income and expenses with anyone, this is my personal business.

Are you mentally prepared for the fact that in the new club there will be an insurmountable barrier between you and the rest of the players - none of them even dream of making such money?

I am a modest person and in the USA I am not going to behave like a star, around which everyone should dance on the field. I hope to help the team and my comrades as much as possible, I want football in America to be as professional as in Europe. In the USA, by the way, there are very good players, this was shown by the last world championship. When we discussed the possibility of this transition, I was told that they wanted to create a special team at EL - to put together young people and experienced players and invite professionals from Europe. And what other players think about my salary is not interesting to me. And if they have any questions, I should not hear them from the journalists, but precisely from these players.

And you are not afraid of the level of expectations that such a contract implies?

Not. They expected a lot from me in Manchester, in the national team, and in Real Madrid. You know, after that it would be foolish to be afraid of something else.

With what feeling will you leave Real Madrid? And how do you now evaluate your previous decision to move here from Manchester United?

I am leaving with the feeling that I could have achieved much more and won more trophies. I am disappointed with this. But I never regret what has been done, because I do not make random decisions, but think seriously. I left Manchester to grow in every sense and above all as a football player. In Madrid, I learned a lot, experienced a lot, although I did not win anything. But I try to get the most out of any experience.

But four years ago you had a choice - go to Real Madrid or Barcelona. Have you ever regretted choosing Madrid?

You know, when I say that I am seriously considering my decisions, this does not mean that I have been considering them for months. When I found out that Manchester United wanted to give me back, I had to make a decision in two days. The decision was only up to me, and I chose Madrid. There are people who believe that this was a mistake. But I do not like to look back. Now nothing can be returned, and I do not regret anything. Of course, Barca won many trophies, but the experience at Real was generally very positive.

And what was the most positive?

The best thing that happened to me at Real Madrid was the game next to Zinedine Zidane. He is an amazing person, a real miracle, a man-phenomenon.

So, in the history of Zidane and Materazzi are you on the side of the Frenchman?

But on the topic "Zidane - Materazzi" I will not say anything. Each behaves on the field in his own way and reacts as he sees fit. It is impossible to generalize here.

Ok, let's talk about you. You came to Madrid with a star whose career went up, and you are leaving as a player who has not fully revealed his potential here. What prevented you from becoming the leader of Real Madrid most of all - the change of coaches, presidents, the lack of defense players in the team, the lack of forwards who can play their heads, or something else?

Everyone says that I got to the club not in the best years of its existence, but it’s not my fault! And I can’t blame someone for not being lucky. I am pleased with everything and am pleased with my game, although I admit: so many different coaches in four years is not very pleasant. I know English football well, and this is not accepted there.

There is an opinion that in the “Real” you basically did not succeed due to the fact that you were used incorrectly on the field. Did you really feel uncomfortable?

I think when Real Madrid offered me a contract, everyone saw me playing for Manchester United. I always played in the positions where the coaches put me, and I tried my best. But in England, in fact, they gave me much more freedom.

Why didn’t you return to England? For example, at Chelsea? At one time it was constantly said that Abramovich and Kenyon were ready to offer you a contract, but you decided to stay in Madrid - is that true?

A separate company is involved in my sports career, and I know that several English clubs were interested in me. Not sure if Chelsea was among them. Personally, I did not talk to anyone from the Abramovich club.

How did you decide Fabio Capello that until the end of the season you will not play for Real Madrid anymore?

I am a professional in football and always calmly accepted what my coaches decided about me. True, in this case I cannot understand the decisions of Capello, but I accept. I have a contract until June with Real Madrid, and I, like last summer, when Capello just arrived, work every day with the same perseverance and hope that the coach will notice me. Now I am in good physical shape and ready to play every Sunday, but the decision is made by Capello. I can not do anything.

Buts, thrown by Ferguson, Capello, who put you on a bench in the middle of the season - maybe it’s just a matter of you and great coaches cannot get along with David Beckham?

Yes, there is nothing similar in these stories! I had a good relationship with Ferguson, close. And we broke up much better than people think. In life and in relationships with people, in general, everything happens in cycles. For example, remember what happened to Keane or van Nistelrooy in the same Manchester United. Roy and Ore are a little alike, but Ferguson broke up with everyone. So the matter is not in me and not in my character. As for Capello, he does not trust me, I don’t know why. I did not ask, he did not speak.

What do you think, when you finish your career, the descendants will consider you a great player?

It will be enough for me if they say that I was an honest and professional player. I say this sincerely.

How much are you maddened by the popularity and fame of the most famous football player on the planet?

I try to be as less noticeable as possible outside the sport, but it is very difficult. I'm afraid everything will be the same in Los Angeles.

Of course it will be. Local fans have already created a website dedicated to your arrival on the Internet and filled it with their enthusiasm. You did not read it?

I do not use the Internet very actively, I watch TV more often.

It is known that Andrey Shevchenko, for example, moving to London, listened to the opinion of his wife. What role did Victoria play in your departure for the USA?

In my house, all decisions about my career and sport are made by me, not my wife. But, of course, Victoria was delighted - she likes the place where we will move. And, by the way, at one time she was not opposed to moving from Manchester to Spain.

You are friends with Tom Cruise. Did your relationship with him influence your decision to relocate?

It’s true, we have been friends with Tom Cruise for a long time, and he persuaded me to agree to this contract. But I repeat that I chose Los Angeles for another reason - I am interested in the team and their new project. I was thinking only about sports and nothing more. And if in the next season any Hollywood stars will come to my matches, what's wrong with that? If my presence in the team helps to change the image of football in the USA, I will be happy - this is our main goal.

And Cruz did not offer you help in building a Hollywood career? Have you been offered to star in any films?

I repeat: I'm going to the USA to play football. As for the acting career, it’s not easy, I can even judge by the commercials in which I act from time to time. At the moment, I do not plan anything like this. And certainly I will not, like Eric Canton, act in a wide variety of films.

What will you do after your career?

I do not know. I don’t think about it yet.

Francisco Asedo TORREGORROS, PROsport

No. 2 (69) January 29 - February 11, 2007

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