Fetisov sided with the athletes

Winter Olympic prizes in Turin counted in autumn

At the end of last week, an article was published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta, which said that a number of Russian athletes-winners and prize-winners of the Turin Olympics were unhappy that, in their opinion, the prize money had not been fully paid. According to the athletes, the Russian Olympic Committee has not fulfilled its obligations. In the same issue of “RG”, the head of Rossport, Vyacheslav Fetisov, called the situation “disgrace” and sided with the Olympians. Vyacheslav Fetisov considered the claims of athletes to be fully substantiated and expressed their full support. In the Russian Olympic Committee, in turn, they are being denied ugliness.

According to Gennady Shvets, head of the OCD press service, to the newspaper, the committee paid off the athletes in full and on time: “After Turin, everyone was very pleased. Athletes were rewarded more than ever. In addition to the promised prizes from the state, everyone received additional bonuses from local authorities and sponsors. ” According to Gennady Shvets, it is completely incomprehensible to him who needed to bring to light the divine situation, which "is not worth twenty kopecks." It costs 740 thousand dollars. That is how much Russian athletes should have received for 8 gold, 6 silver and 8 bronze medals. 50 thousand for "gold", 30 for "silver" and 20 for "bronze". And preliminary payment arrangements between OCD and Fedcom Media did exist.

But so far everything is, as Shvets emphasized, precisely of a preliminary character. The contract has not been signed, and how it is possible to speculate on a document that is not yet a document, according to Gennady Shvets, is unclear.

“There is no need to be Megreet to figure out who benefits from this scandal. Obviously, Fetisov needs a war. ”

Gennady Vasilievich repeated the last words twice. Although the meaning of this war itself is unclear.

The source of the “Newspaper” in the department of Vyacheslav Fetisov considered the words about the war to be at least overly emotional.

The amount that began to cost after Turin, the joint promise of OCD and Fedcom Media, is really serious. But who will pay it and whether it will pay at all - the question remains open.

We could not get comments from Fedcom Media representatives.

Albert Demchenko, silver medalist of Turin-2006: “I have no complaints to the Olympic Committee, because the current athlete cannot have them. Now I am concerned about the vital matters of our sport and training, and I have no time to sort things out. The Olympic medal itself is a big reward, and cash prizes and gifts are just nice additions. After the Games in Turin, I moved from a two-room apartment to a three-room apartment, received a cash prize thanks to the guardianship of the Moscow Region Governor Boris Gromov, who promised to continue to promote the development of our sport in the region. As expected, they accrued 20 thousand dollars of premium from the state to me and gave me the keys to the “presidential” jeep.

But one point remained in my head: why didn’t we receive the prize that the Russian Olympic Committee trumpeted in all newspapers and on television? Maybe someone spoke about this for the purposes of their PR? With such statements, the ROC only spoils the image of the sport, the welfare of which must take care of.

Svetlana Ishmuratova, two-time Olympic champion: “Nobody gave me any promises to the Olympics. Officially, I knew only about the remuneration of the state and received my 100 thousand dollars without taxes and on time. The remaining gifts were pleasant surprises. I was thanked by Victor Tolokonsky and Petr Sumin, the governors of the Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk regions, respectively, for whom I advocate. They handed a cash prize to the Ministry of Defense. The awards were expected from the general sponsor of the team - Mechel. Their size even exceeded our assumptions. I am grateful to all of them and I think that if someone wanted and could congratulate us, he did it, and it’s a sin to complain about anything. ”


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