Shinnik: point of no return?

The information on the termination of the contract “Shinnik” with Oleg Dolmatov’s proposal in one and a half lines appeared earlier confirmed the official website of the Yaroslavl club.

The chronology of a sad football year for Yaroslavl was replenished with an event that will surely become a key one. For it can mean for "Shinnik" a kind of "point of no return." It is unlikely that a miracle worker coach will appear in Yaroslavl, on the shoulder and talent who will be able to combine the salvation of a team mired in a table quagmire at a distance of as much as 8 points from a solid shore, and adaptation in a new place that has earned a reputation as a wretched one ...

The Yaroslavl club Oleg Dolmatov accepted in May 2004, already having experience working with seven Russian teams of various ranks. The most successful of them was CSKA. On the tablets of Dolmatov there is an unprecedented victorious raid of army men from outsider hopelessness to the silver of the Russian championship, accomplished in the second half of season-98. However, it was not possible to support the ambitions awakened then in the next championship: its result was bronze ...

Dolmatov’s temporary separation from the major league (Kuban, Dynamo St. Petersburg) did not deprive him of a competent tactic, docks in the field of zonal-linear construction of the game. In demand in the “Shinnik” to replace Alexander Pobegalov, in his first Yaroslavl season he finished with the team in 6th place. The next championship (last year) turned out to be worse - 9th. The current one has not wondered since spring.

One of the obvious explanations for Dolmatov’s Yaroslavl regression could be the years-long lawsuit over the ownership of Shinnik. The former owner of the club, the senator and the leader of the regional branch of United Russia Nikolai Tonkov and the current president of Shinnika, the governor of the Yaroslavl region Anatoly Lisitsyn, were on the opposite sides of the barricade. The outcome of the permanent war was summed up last offseason: the regional administration and the Yaroslavl City Hall bought the club from Tonkov. Every day more and more reasons to consider that Pyrrhic victory. Without going into details, we state yet another, to put it mildly, unsuccessful experience in managing big football performed by regional authorities.

All this year, “Shinnik” was tormented by personnel fever. By the close of the summer transfer window, he became the only Premier League club to choose a quota of 50 (!) Declared players. There was no sense from such pseudo-activity. In fairness, we note the avalanche of judicial errors that covered the team, distorting the outcome of more than one match.

An important nuance of the Yaroslavl segment of Dolmatov’s biography can be considered, in our opinion, the intra-team psychological discomfort that constantly interfered with “Shinnik”. The trainer started witch-hunting every now and then, suspecting the wards of backroom deals, and following the showdown without proof of guilt and regret, put up many key players on the transfer. A symbolic preface to Dolmatov’s Yaroslavl resignation was the words uttered after the defeat of Volzhans in Tomsk on Sunday by today's ringleader Tomi and former Shinnik leader Alexander Kulchiy: “... it was not Ilya Bliznyuk who represented me at the Shinnik goal, and the head coach Oleg Dolmatov ... "



- Boris Gavrilov headed the "Shinnik"

- Dolmatov’s resignation was the fifth in a row

- Oleg Dolmatov resigned

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