Yuri Semin in the “Locomotive” will not return

On Friday, Moscow will host the board of directors of FC Lokomotiv, which will summarize the season. The main intrigue of this meeting is the question of trust in the club’s president, Valery Filatov.

The unsuccessful ending of the Russian championship made urgent talk about his imminent resignation. However, according to Izvestia, Filatov will still maintain his position in the club. This means that the return to the coaching post of “Locomotive” Yuri Semin will not take place: the former associates now categorically refuse to work with each other.

The board of directors of Lokomotiv has five members. Two represent Transtelecom, two represent the Russian Railways plus the club president - that is, in fact, Valery Filatov. Decisions are made by a simple majority vote. In a certain situation, the voice of Filatov, cast for himself, may be decisive. But it does not make sense to sort out the possible layouts in the mind: Transtelecom is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Russian Railways, and it is clear that the fate of the president of Lokomotiv was decided in the office of the country's main railwayman Vladimir Yakunin. The Board of Directors is a purely formal event in this matter, designed only to legally formalize the Yakunin position.

Most likely, the contract will be extended with Filatov. Such an assumption in a conversation with an Izvestia correspondent was made by one of the club’s employees. “Even if Lipatov (chairman of the board of directors of Lokomotiv, president of Transtelecom. - Izvestia) really wants to get rid of Filatov, he must offer a new person to this post. And who? By and large, there are no such managers in Russia "Could Tkachenko be invited, but he is friends with Filatov and will not go to his post."

The former president of Samara's “Wings of the Soviets”, and now the head of ProSports Management, German Tkachenko indirectly confirmed to Izvestia that Filatov would continue to work at Lokomotiv: “Valery must stay and he will. He is a professional, modern person, all of whose decisions are connected with the interests of the club. " The extension of the contract with Filatov seriously undermines the position of Yuri Semin, who was predicted for Lokomotiv as head coach. This issue is in the president’s competence, and relations between the two former comrades, who worked side by side for a decade and a half, have seriously deteriorated in the last two years.

While the “Locomotive” decide who will manage the club and train it, no transfer transactions are concluded. The only player with whom the contract was re-signed is defender Dmitry Sennikov. Negotiations are underway on a new agreement with the Belarusian midfielder Gurenko. The crescent that passed after the end of the championship, Lokomotiv was virtually absent from the transfer market. “Players are taken under the coach,” they shrug their hands in the club.

Oleg Dolmatov, a contract with which was concluded until the end of the last championship, admitted to Izvestia that he had no idea about his future.

“I'm leaving Moscow now because I have a vacation,” he said. - And what? Need a break from this season? Need to. And the club management plans are not known to me. This board of directors will take place - will not take place? And when? And will they call me there? .. I don’t know all this. In any case, I do not think that anything will depend on my presence at this event. With me or without me, that decision will be made which is deemed necessary. Which one? I have no idea: I did not communicate with anyone on this score.

When asked if a new contract would be signed with him if Filatov remained in Lokomotiv, Dolmatov replied:

- I do not know. I definitely do not have such an agreement with Filatov. So far, in any case, I can only wait, because, frankly, I have not received any offers from other clubs.

The trainer asks to wait

The other day, Semin publicly declared that he would like to return and train the railway workers - despite the fact that he had previously avoided such arguments in every possible way. The club perceived such a change in politics as an extra confirmation of the strength of the filatov’s positions. The Izvestia interlocutor suggested that Semin, having exhausted other resources, is trying to influence the situation in this way with the help of public opinion - since he knows that the fans want him back and are negatively disposed towards the club president. However, on Tuesday, Yuri Pavlovich again reluctantly talked. He reacted to the Izvestia correspondent’s phone call as follows: “I don’t want to talk about this topic yet. Let's give you an interview next week, okay? Now, sorry.”

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