Valery Gazzayev: “We with Olic did everything for the victory of the national team over the Croats”

Today, CSKA begins its performance in the most ambitious club tournament in Europe - a match against Porto.

Today, CSKA begins its performance in the most ambitious club tournament in Europe - a match against Porto. Before flying to Lisbon, the city was familiar and even significant for the army team - it was here that they won the UEFA Cup, - CSKA head coach Valery Gazzaev gave an interview to Izvestia correspondent Chermen Dzgoev .

Question: You, like Spartak, in addition to a successful performance in the Champions League, there is another goal: the gold of the national championship. Have to sacrifice something?

Answer: The possibility of getting out of the group stage of the Champions League is, in my opinion, quite well visible. As for the victory in the domestic championship, we are not going to sacrifice this goal either. At least we will do our best to make both tasks come true. That is, remorse about the fact that we gave up somewhere, dropped our hands, CSKA will not. And there, of course, how it goes. But against the same “Spartak”, for example, we tried, we did our best, but, unfortunately, we did not achieve victory.

Q : In this game, Spartak demonstrated that it is also quite ready to play on two fronts. Can you compare your capabilities and your opponent?

A: Yes, I would not want to compare anything. Spartak always plays against us as much as we allow it. Last Saturday, luck was on their side.

Q: Do you have fewer losses in the line-up for the game against Porto compared to the match against Spartak?

A: I said then, and now I repeat: this is not a topic that needs to be focused on before important matches. Of course, we can say that the presence of Vasily Berezutsky, Aldonin, Odia, Jo enhances the game. And, in particular, it would strengthen her in the match with Spartak. But today we should not give up and say: that's all, there are no players, so we will participate in the Champions League for a bit and will return. There are young talented football players. Maybe today they are not so skilled, but at their age this is offset by ambition and desire. So I will not discuss on the topic who does not play with us and what problems CSKA will have because of this.

Q : Berezutsky in the match against Spartak was still warming up on the edge. I would like to understand the likelihood of his appearance on the field in Lisbon exists?

about: Of course. In the game with Spartak, we will say so, have saved, saved. If there was an urgent need, if it was necessary that he play through pain, I think that he would go out on Saturday.

Q : Is it true that Ivice Olicu, who returned from the Croatian national team without injury and was not tired, was awarded a prize at the club?

about: ( Laughs. ) I know that they are already joking on this subject. Nobody wrote out the prize to him, of course. But when he returned to the club, we exchanged a few words. I say: "We all, Ivica, have done with you so that Russia will win against the Croats." And he replies: "I wanted to take two more brothers, Kovachy, but it did not work out."

Chermen Dzgoev


CSKA matches in the Champions League

09/13. Porto (Portugal) - CSKA. 09/26. CSKA - Hamburg (Germany). 10/17. CSKA - Arsenal (England). 1.11. Arsenal - CSKA. 11.21. CSKA - Porto. 6.12. Hamburg - CSKA.

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