Three in strangers, two in their ...

From the minutes of matches of national teams played in Europe last Saturday, “SPORT Today” “tracked down” information about the performances of the legionnaires of Russian clubs called up to the teams of their countries.



Serbia - Azerbaijan - 1-0

Vagif Javadov - came out in the 77th minute, played 13 minutes.

Serbia - Azerbaijan - 1-0

Milos Krasic - did not get into the application.


Czech Republic - Wales - 2: 1

Martin Jiranek - played 90 minutes, an own goal.

Radoslav Kovacs - came out in the 87th minute, played 3 minutes.

Poland - Finland - 1: 3

Wojciech Kowalewski - held the match in reserve.

Austria - Costa Rica - 2: 2 (friendlies)

Martin Stranzl - played 90 minutes, after his hand game in the penalty area a penalty was awarded.

Moldova - Greece - 0: 1

Sergey Kovalchuk - played 90 minutes.


Scotland - Faroe Islands - 6: 0

Harry O'Connor - came out in the 61st minute, played 29 minutes, scored 1 goal.

Malta - Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2: 5

Emir Spahich - played 90 minutes, a yellow card.

Georgia - France - 0: 3

Malkhaz Asatiani - played 90 minutes, an own goal.

Serbia - Azerbaijan - 1-0

Branislav Ivanovich - did not get into the application.

Slovakia - Cyprus - 6: 1

Marjan Had - spent the match in reserve.


Latvia - Sweden - 0: 1

Alexander Kolinko - played 90 minutes.

Georgia - France - 0: 3

Nukri Revishvili - did not get into the application.

Mikhail Ashvetia - did not get into the application.

George Kinkladze - did not get into the application.

Moldova - Greece - 0: 1

Alexander Gatskan - did not get into trouble.


Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Yuri Zhevnov - did not get into trouble.

Poland - Finland - 1: 3

Mariusz Jop - held the match in reserve.

Moldova - Greece - 0: 1

Radu Rebezh - played 90 minutes.

Stanislav Ivanov - played 90 minutes.


Slovakia - Cyprus - 6: 1

Kamil Chontofalski - played 90 minutes, conceded 1 goal.

Martin Skrtel - played 90 minutes, 1 goal, yellow card.

Hungary - Norway - 1: 4

Eric Hagen - played 90 minutes.


Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Dmitry Lentsevich - held the match in reserve.

Estonia - Israel - 0: 1

Enar Yaager - played 90 minutes.

Andrey Stepanov - played 90 minutes.


Italy - Lithuania - 1: 1

Zhydrunas Karchemarskas - played 90 minutes, conceded 1 goal, yellow card.

Robertas Poshkus - played 79 minutes.

Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Maxim Romashchenko - played 90 minutes, 1 goal, yellow card.


Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Sergey Omelyanchuk - played 90 minutes.

Latvia - Sweden - 0: 1

Andrey Rubin - played 90 minutes.



Italy - Lithuania - 1: 1

Andrews Skerla - played 90 minutes.

Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Vasily Khomutovsky - played 90 minutes, conceded 2 goals.

Alexander Kulchiy - played 90 minutes.

Vitaliy Bulyga - came out in the 64th minute, played 26 minutes.

Moldova - Greece - 0: 1

Valery Katynsus - did not get into the application.

Oleg Shishkin - spent the match in reserve.


Slovakia - Cyprus - 6: 1

Ian Dyuritsa - played 90 minutes.

Peter Petrash - did not get into the application.

Czech Republic - Wales - 2: 1

Antonin Kinsky - spent the match in reserve.

Italy - Lithuania - 1: 1

Rolandas Dziaukshtas - played 90 minutes, a yellow card.

Poland - Finland - 1: 3

Alexey Eremenko - came out in the 66th minute, played 24 minutes, earned a penalty and a red card for the Pole Arkadiusz Głowacki.


Moldova - Greece - 0: 1

Gennady Oleksich - played 90 minutes.


Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Timofey Kalachev - played 84 minutes, 1 goal.

Latvia - Sweden - 0: 1

Juris Lizans - played 84 minutes.

Wings of Soviets

Georgia - France - 0: 3

David Mujiri - played 90 minutes.

Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Denis Kovba - played 90 minutes.

Ray Energy

Georgia - France - 0: 3

Georgi Lomaya - spent the match in reserve.

Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Sergey Shtanyuk - played 90 minutes.

Spartak NCh

Georgia - France - 0: 3

Gogita Gogua - played 90 minutes.

Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Vitaliy Lanko - came out in the 84th minute, played 6 minutes.

First division


Belarus - Albania - 2: 2

Vladimir Korytko - played 90 minutes, after his foul in the penalty area a penalty was awarded.


Estonia - Israel - 0: 1

Dmitry Kruglov - played 90 minutes.

Dynamo Mx

Moldova - Greece - 0: 1

Denis Romanenko - spent the match in reserve.


Moldova - Greece - 0: 1

Ion Testemitanu   - played 90 minutes, a yellow card.

Sergey Kleschenko - came out in the 65th minute, played 25 minutes.

Akbar Murataliev

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