Vera Zvonareva: "Let me cry, I'm just a girl"

This summer is not very successful for Russian tennis players: none of the usual favorites have scored not only great, but also small victories. Against this background, Vera Zvonareva, who had fallen into the shadow, suddenly unexpectedly showed herself. Among her achievements is a victory in the mixed at Wimbledon and two won singles tournaments - in Birmingham and Cincinnati. Izvestia correspondent Andrei Ivantsov asked Zvonareva how she managed to return to the high society of world tennis practically from nonexistence.

The last two months have been amazing for you. Is this a surprise for you?

Of course, I am very pleased. But I can’t say that these results are completely unexpected. Both single-player tournaments that I won were, frankly, not very representative and I did not have to make any sensational sensations. Although considering that after some recession in the game, which lasted more than a year, I again felt what victory was, it’s nice. Success will give me strength for more.

It is always interesting to find out how an athlete who finds himself in a career hole gets out of it ... In your case, what became decisive?

The main thing, of course, is by no means to part with a racket for a long time. Without thinking about anything and not looking at the rating, go to the court daily and try again and again. It is worth accepting for a second the thought that you can no longer, do not want to - and again it will be very difficult to feel the winner’s psychology. In general, a career in tennis is very similar to the match itself. You can win the first set, then lose the second. And before the decisive third, collect everything that is in you and show the result that you really deserve.

Now you have a new coach - Frenchman Sam Sumic. Did this also play a role in your success?

Sam really really helped to reconsider the views on the game and brought some freshness to my tennis. Now, some things in the game that I seemed to know thoroughly, I rediscover. I consider it very important when the trainer is able to show his student something new and even present the most banal actions as you never thought about them.

After winning Wimbledon in the mixed with Israeli Andy Ram, you became the main specialist among Russians in this discipline. Does she have a special secret?

In the foreground is a purely sports component. A stronger player - usually a man - takes on the main job, and I have to insure him. But if there is no simple human understanding, you won’t be able to win the tournament. It is very important not to get mad at each other in difficult moments of the game. If a man in a mixed double after a partner’s mistake tells her something unpleasant, it will be very difficult for them to win the match. I certainly do not like it when they shout at me. Andy, on the contrary, even in the most difficult moments knows how to support.

There have been episodes in your biography more than once when, during an unsuccessfully developing match, you simply wept in front of the entire stadium. Can this happen again now?

I admit ( laughs ). When I feel some kind of injustice or something doesn’t work out for me, I get very upset. I'm still a girl, let me cry.


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