UEFA Tackles Racists and Simulators

Big football people do non-football business

The European Union of Football Associations (UEFA) has published a new disciplinary charter, which, in particular, provides for severe penalties for manifestations of racism, as well as for simulation on the field. The charter will be valid for the season 2006/2007.

A priori, international football organizations declare their distance from any political movements and deeds. Recently, however, both FIFA and UEFA have been so carried away by the problems of discrimination by skin color that, perhaps, you will no longer find more zealous fighters against racism on the planet. At the last World Cup, participants of pre-match anti-racist mini-demonstrations on the initiative of Sepp Blatter became all players and coaches without exception, by the way, apart from their will (in the sense that no one was interested in their opinion). Now UEFA decided to contribute to the necessary and useful business.

According to the new set of rules, “any insult to human dignity in any way, including mentioning skin color, racial, religious or ethnicity, entails a suspension for five matches or a longer period." It is not clear, however, who will be personally responsible for identifying violators and how this person will perform his functions on the field. Obviously, the idea of ​​severely punishing “racists” was inspired by the conflict between Marco Materazzi and Zinedine Zidane in the final of the mundial. Although there are still different versions, what exactly did Materazzi say, even the testimony of Zidane is very vague. And besides this evidence there is and cannot be any other: Marco uttered his tirade in an undertone, being at a considerable distance from the referees, partners and rivals. And by the way, he did not admit his guilt. The decision of the disciplinary committee to disqualify the Italian for two matches was made solely on a hunch. Now, such decisions, at least in European football, will be in the order of things.

Fans using racist slogans have their own penalties. “Any national association whose fans will be convicted of such behavior will be fined at least 30 thousand Swiss francs (19 thousand euros). In some cases, the UEFA disciplinary body may impose additional sanctions on the association, namely: holding matches without spectators, technical defeat, scoring, exclusion from the competition. ” That's how serious it is.

Compared to racial issues, the paragraph on simulation takes a very modest place in the new Disciplinary Code, although this issue is directly related to football. The essence of the innovations is that simulators who are not noticed and, accordingly, not punished by the referee of the match, can be subjected to two-match or longer disqualification based on viewing the video. By the way, in some countries, for example in Germany, such cases have already taken place. Now the practice should be widespread.


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