The first pancake of David Blatt

The new coach of the Russian national basketball team made its debut in Vilnius

The Russian national basketball team won the first match at the Super Bowl Federation Championship. In Vilnius, David Blatt's wards defeated the Senegal team with a difference of 22 points. The debut of the American-Israeli specialist as head coach of the Russian team was successful .

Foreign specialists have long been working both with individual Russian athletes (tennis) and clubs (football, hockey), and with national teams. The management of our volleyball players carried out by Zoran Gayich is considered successful by everyone. Specialists work, and conversations around their presence in national teams do not stop. Football, basketball and hockey lasted until the last. And now advances are being distributed to Hiddink, and considerable; in hockey, an invitation to an overseas or European coach to the Russian national team is quite possible and is unlikely to surprise anyone, and basketball made its debut in general. David Blatt, an American with an Israeli passport, brought Russian basketball players to the Vilnius floor and won in his first match. Senegal, of course, is not a team whose victory over which you can enter in gold letters on your track record. However, unlike ours, Russian basketball players, Senegalese will play at the upcoming World Cup. And just a week ago, at a tournament in France, the Africans managed to snatch victory from the not at all weak Lithuanian basketball players. So if there is no reason for pride, then for moral satisfaction - completely. This is from one of the points of view of Blatt himself. From the point of view of just an observer, Blatt very organically fit into the Russian bench, outwardly not much different from his first assistant Evgeny Pashutin. From the point of view of the game itself - Blatt originally came up with the idea of ​​fast, aggressive basketball. That is, with the fact that he successfully introduced Dynamo in St. Petersburg. To "put a hand" to the players of the national team, some time must pass. And yet something is already noticeable. The first match of the Russian national team showed that, at least, the basketball players understand what the coach wants from them, try very hard, despite the post-holiday period, and it is clear from everything that they work on the court with pleasure. The most important thing was clearly visible with the naked eye during time-outs: there was mutual understanding between the team and the coach. It seems that the first joint victory will only strengthen this understanding. Overall success, as you know, brings together - and not only in sports.

The game itself evolved successfully for our team. A rare case: in a minute with a little before the end of the first quarter, Senegal scored just 2 points. Ours scored 16, and even several times missed from the most profitable positions. The Africans sailed slightly, but managed to pull themselves together. In the literal sense of the word, having won a few points, Senegal went on the first break with a difference of minus 8. Further, Russian basketball players only increased this advantage with varying degrees of intensity. Khryapa, Fridzon and Ivanov did not get into the starting list, but for one reason only - someone had to be left in reserve. Of those who went to the site, only Savrasenko and Ponkrashov did not score points. And so, Vyaltsev - 14, Morgunov - 6 and 7 rebounds, Bykov - 9, Monya, who flew from the ocean back to Russia, scored 7 points, Padius, who returned home from Greece, - 8, the remaining points were divided among themselves Samoilenko, Shabalkin, Korolev, Dyachok and Likholitov. Despite the fact that Vyaltsev, Bykov, Korolev and Shabalkin in general, for the first time, they tried on shirts for the first national team. Blatt, as promised before the game, gave everyone to play, and these all his trust justified. This was announced by the coach of the Russian team after the meeting. Even by the way the points were distributed, it is clear that on the Siemens Arena flooring it was the team playing under the Russian flag, and not a set of players in the same clothes. Again, we repeat, Senegal is not the team whose victory over can speak of the winner class. And yet.

Blatt, who is well acquainted with Russian basketball, apparently still does not know Russian proverbs and sayings very well. At least the one that says about whom and the first pancake. But this is just the case when ignorance is only good.


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