Real men will play hockey

In August, a meeting of the Board of FHR

These days, Secretary General of the International Hockey Federation Jan-Oke Edwinsson is on an official visit to Russia. The Swede inspects the ice rinks that will be played by hockey players at the World Championships, the hotels where they have to live, and the roads along which they will be taken. At an intermediate press conference (the visit is still ongoing), Edwinsson immediately said that he was very warm in Russia, therefore, one should not expect public criticism from him, especially in that area, which, in his opinion, is an internal affair of the Russian hockey department.

It is clear that we were talking about disagreements, let's call them like this, between the president of the Russian Hockey Federation (FHR) Vladislav Tretyak and the leaders of several Russian clubs. All the hundred and a few days that Tretyak is headed by Russian hockey, criticism has not subsided. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with that. Constructive criticism is, after all, one of the engines of progress. Moreover, they are criticized by those who are difficult to suspect of dislike for hockey. But it seems that just the constructive element in this criticism is either not there at all, or he, this very element, is so deeply hidden that it is difficult to make out. And the most interesting thing is that critics are dissatisfied with the decisions that were made either before Tretyak came to hockey presidents, or with him, but unanimously by the FHR board. In fact, they are unhappy, it turns out, with their own vote. Most of all, Tretiak today goes for reducing the number of teams participating in the playoffs of the future championship (from 16 to 8) and for introducing a tax on imported players. The obstruction for the dissolution of the Professional Hockey League is a separate line, there are a number of points, but the most important thing is that for some reason everyone is sure that Tretiak came only to win the home world championship. And on this his presidency should end. Tretyak himself, while not yet participating in a public dialogue, unwittingly plays along with his opponents. They perceive his silence either as their innocence, or as his insecurity in their abilities. At the same time, forgetting that at the very beginning of his presidency, Tretyak clearly outlined his steps and no less clearly identified the reasons why he would take these steps. On this Vladislav Alexandrovich considered that the conversation had been exhausted. But hardware games go by their own rules, and Tretyak will most likely not be able to avoid public dialogue. We will have to explain again what and why he does, and why and how much he came. In the meantime, the Director of FHR Sergei Harutyunyan speaks for Tretyak. At the very press conference where Edwinsson confessed his love for Russia, Sergey Harutyunyan was also present on duty. He was less asked about the readiness of the Moscow and Mytishchi skating rinks for the World Cup, and more specifically about how and when it would all end. The general director of the FHR calmly commented: “I don’t see anything complicated in the current situation. And I don’t see the situation as such either. There is a normal work process that will be completed much earlier than the next Russian championship begins.” In the conviction of Sergei Harutyunyan, a young man, everything that happens has an exclusively human explanation. Ambitious, ambitious and, most importantly, accomplished men (owners and coaches of leading Russian clubs) felt that whoever the new president, even such a respected as Tretyak, he could not bring anything good to the current system. The situation was further complicated by the fact that after the departure of Alexander Steblin in the hockey federation, a power struggle could not have occurred. A holy place, as you know ... It arose.

In the heat of the struggle the functionaries did not notice the arrival of the Tretyak. And having noticed at last, they began to react accordingly to all innovations. But by and large, Tretyak did not think of introducing any innovations. He himself repeatedly emphasized this. Yes, he was tasked with winning the home world championship. Yes, the national team will be the priority of his work. But not to the detriment of the clubs, but with their help and with their direct participation. Strong clubs - a strong team. It is in that order. Yes, Tretyak has little leadership experience. But more than enough hockey experience. Even the opponents of Tretyak, the same general director of Magnitogorsk Metallurg Gennady Velichkin, believe that Tretyak is an established politician who can figure out and resolve any situation, "despite the absence of this same governing experience." “Everything that happens today in the Russian Hockey Federation, I can’t name otherwise than a growth disease,” Velichkin added.

So, according to Sergey Harutyunyan, all that is needed is to meet and resolve all issues once and for all. On August 11, a meeting of the board of the FHR is scheduled. There will be the Tretyak, and his opponents, and his few supporters. Most likely, everything will become clear there, including with the new head coach of the national team, and how Russian hockey will interact further with the NHL. It is precisely on these two points that there is no absolute clarity today. Everything else is working moments, which, in the working order, must be solved.

On the outside view, everything that happened in the country's hockey leadership has an even more human explanation. The “grandfathers” of Russian hockey simply arranged a kind of strength test for another of the same “grandfathers”, but newcomers. In any men's group, this is a common practice.


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