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Italian football clubs Juventus, Lazio and Fiorentina will start a new season in League B. Such a decision was announced on Friday afternoon by Italian authorities investigating the country's largest football corruption scandal, AFP reports.

Turin “Juventus”, Roman “Lazio” and Florentine “Fiorentina” are punished with transfer to the lower division of the Italian championship, in addition, they will start the season with a negative balance of points. On the account, “Juventus” will have minus 30 points, “Lazio” - minus 7, and “Fiorentina” - minus 12. All three teams are deprived of the opportunity to participate in European Cup 2006/07. Juventus also loses all titles earned by the club in the seasons 2004/05 and 2005/06.

Another club involved in a corruption scandal - “Milan” - managed to avoid such a harsh punishment. “Milan” remains in League A of the Italian championship, however, begins a new season with minus 30 points in the account.

Representatives of the leadership of Juventus, Fiorentina and Milan are prohibited from holding any positions in Italian football clubs for periods of 5 years to a year. They will also have to pay heavy fines.

A statement issued on Friday afternoon by a commission investigating a corruption scandal states that clubs have the right to challenge the verdict in a federal appeals court within three days, which must reach a verdict no later than July 24 — the day before the deadline for applications for participation in the UEFA Cup and Champions League.


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