Roman Sludnov: “I don’t feel sorry for myself”

At the country's swimming championship, which ended in the pool of the Olimpiysky sports complex, many scratched their heads in bewilderment: was he really? European record holder Roman Sludnov, sunk into oblivion a year and a half ago, suddenly reappeared on the track. And not just appeared, but won two distances at once - 50 and his crown 100 meters. After the finish, the columnist of Izvestia Vladimir Raush spoke with Sludnov.

Question: Roman, where did you come from?

answer: I know, many have already rushed to write me off. Say, a man disappeared somewhere, probably swimming with a swimming. I answer: I didn’t disappear, I just went to study in the USA. And despite the heavy workload, I come to the pool twice a day for a workout.

Question: What university do you study at?

Answer: This is Missouri State University. It is located in Springs - a purely campus in which only 25 thousand inhabitants. Education is a financier. The day is very tough: at 5.30 - rise, at 21.00 - hang up.

Question: What prompted the decision to leave for the USA?

Answer: In the last two or three years I have not sailed as fast as I would like. Did not beat world records, did not win major competitions. Invariably, the question arose: if I finish swimming tomorrow, what will I do? The answer came by itself: you can train and learn at the same time. But in Russia, such a combination is almost impossible. And in America it’s easy. From the pool to the classroom there is a three-minute walk. Three more minutes - and you are already in the dining room.

Question: Was it difficult to adapt to the new way of life?

answer: The most difficult thing was to force yourself to pick up a book. Still, for the whole 8 years since school, I did not study. However, the American education system is so thought out that you can succeed there even with my very average English. At first, of course, I was very worried, even afraid ... I thought, how am I there? And then I saw: they have half the country there - stammering and with an accent. Americans in general in this sense are very liberal, they will never show their surprise.

Question: What surprised you the most in the USA?

answer: You know, I have destroyed a huge number of illusions. Previously, it seemed to me that this is an absolutely hassle-free country. It turned out - it's not like that. A very big problem there is racism. And the biggest aggression towards people with a different skin color is shown by blacks. This tension is literally in the air. A black man, say, can publicly say some nasty thing about a white man. And he has no right to answer him.

Question: Otherwise, what, fine?

Answer: Not a fine. You can pay much more seriously - with life. If a black man hears that you call him ... mmm ... a black man, he can easily shoot you. Too many blacks do not work there, they have nothing to lose. And every second weapon.

Question: Attitude   to training is very different?

Answer: In America, the intensity is much higher. There, unions protect the rights of athletes, and you can’t train in the water for more than 20 hours a week. For example, if the class time is over, everyone silently crawls out of the water and leaves. And the coach can not do anything. And if he still forces you to spend, say, 21 hours in the water, you have the right to sue him. Therefore, all the time allotted to them people try to use to the maximum benefit.

Question: Is university education expensive?

Answer: About 25 thousand dollars a year, including food and accommodation. But do not mind the money, this is an ideal investment in the future. You could, of course, sit at home calmly, invest in real estate, earn interest. And you can spend them on yourself for two to three years, and then become a specialist with a salary of 70 thousand dollars a year. For me, the second option is preferable.

Question: Russian business often lives according to its own laws, which are not taught at American universities.

answer: If I received a medical or psychological education, I would agree with you. But finance is finance everywhere. Now Russia is reaching the level when it needs professionals. People in raspberry jackets at one time made up huge capital and now do not know how to dispose of them. So the financiers of Russia will be needed.

Question: The 2008 Olympics in Beijing are also part of your plans?

answer: If I manage to combine study and sport - why not? I’ve been swimming for 20 years, taking it and just giving it up is a pity. You can leave the sport only if you have to choose: either - or. As for Beijing ... I always think about him. I will say this: I'm going to not only qualify for the Olympic team, but to swim very quickly in the Games themselves.

Question: Two years ago, the leaders of Russian navigation did not very welcome your departure overseas. They said that the state spent money on your training, and they could be lost.

Answer: Actually, the swimming federation didn’t invest in me. The main expenses were borne by my native Omsk. Yes, I participated in central gatherings. But if you count how many medals I won for the country, we can’t say that everything went into the sand. And then ... This year, the federation did not invest a dime in me, and I won two distances, became the number one breaststroke. I will not, on this basis, demand a refund of any money!

Question: In general, you had several serious clashes with the leadership of the federation ...

Answer: The main collision, like the other guys, was due to equipment. We went to the start in overalls of a certain company, and the money for this went somewhere to the side. But the point is not even in them, but in principle. Recently, the leadership of the federation has changed: I hope that now everything will change. Understand that no one refuses to appear in the equipment of a technical sponsor. It just has to be human.

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