Sergey Nikolaev: “I am a very soft coach”

The head coach of the Novokuznetsk “Metallurg” Sergey Nikolaev explained to Sport Today correspondent why he returned to big hockey. In addition, the specialist made it clear that the problems of Russian hockey remained the same.

- Sergey Alekseevich, why did you return to hockey? You have finished your career as a coach .

- Who said?

“You said so.”

- Nothing like this. When is that?

- After the dismissal from Salavat Yulaev. You said that everything is enough ... Health is more expensive.

- Not true. I did not finish anything. There simply was a situation that ... Some comrades arranged everything so that they found some extreme, hunchbacked one. And then I took a break. I didn’t run anywhere, I didn’t ask anywhere. And then the moment came when the team began to need to be pulled out. And they turned to me.

“You were so good-natured when giving interviews during your vacation.” You can immediately see that they were resting. Should I go back to this hassle?

- I have behind me 27 years of coaching career and 15 years of playing practice - moreover, in good teams with decent hockey players. And I worked with great coaches. So my appointment is normal. But when they put at risk young boys who do not have a license, nothing is bad. And they are injured.

“Who are you talking about?”

- About the same Nikolai Borschevsky. How should he work now?

- Yes, yes, there are many young people. Kadeikin, Leonov ...

- These still work. And Nikolai is no longer working.

- What is the moral?

- The trainer needs to be trained. He needs to sit under the great master for a while. He needs to learn how to work. Or to complete the higher courses of trainers. Coaching is the same pedagogy, psychology ...

- Physiology.

- Yes! There are so many things. You have to learn the same thing.

- During your absence, the players have somehow changed?

- Money began to receive more.

- Yes, and before they received a lot. But do you probably think it’s too much anyway?

- Who knows how to play - he must receive. And who does not know how ...

- The balance is upset?

- Yes.

- You used to work with national teams ...

- Yes, for six years I headed the second national team of the country.

- Now they turn to you for advice?

- Not. And who needs hockey at all?

- Unclear.

- That's the whole conversation.

- Do you like the current championship draw system?

- Yes, it's not about the teams.

- And in what?

- The fact that low-class players come. And it is necessary that there were masters. It is necessary that schools do not chase points, but prepare players for the team of masters.

- Clear. You have always been considered a very tough coach. The players went crazy from you. After a pause, they became softer?

- There is such a moment: the player is obliged to fulfill what is required, to observe game discipline. And you have to ask him. A person who comes to work does not have the right to drive marriage. For this they do not pay salaries. And why does a hockey player, having scored one goal in 50 matches, come for a salary? This is marriage!

- So, everything is the same with hockey players?

- And how was it?

- Yes, no matter who you ask, everyone grabs their heads from your manner of communication.

- Who said?

- Players.

- I am a very gentle coach. One of the softest in the Super League. Ask the guys.

Alexey Shevchenko

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