Saudi imams forbid watching football

Everyone who watches the World Cup will regret it on Judgment Day. This opinion was expressed in an interview to the Saudi television channel by Imam Nasser bin Sliman al-Omar. In support of his words, he gave an eloquent example. A young Arab watched a football match. At one of the most tense moments, the presenter appeared on the screen and announced that the broadcast of the prayer was beginning. “The guy got angry and used a wicked word about the muezzin, who began to read the prayer,” al-Omar complained.

“Imagine that you had an operation and the doctor is late because he is watching the championship. What will you think about him?” The imam was indignant on Al-Maj TV channel. “Now imagine that you are calling someone to express condolences and watching football next to you and screaming joyfully when a goal is scored. How will you make excuses? "

The leader was on the side of the imam. “Very, very bad,” he repeated all the time. “I appeal to everyone who watches the championship,” continued al-Omar. “On Judgment Day, the Lord will ask you: what did you do then? You sat and watched football, you answer. Will it make you happy when you meet Allah face to face, or will you regret ever watching this game? "

And the famous Saudi preacher Sheikh Mohammed Salih al-Munajid went even further. He logically explained why you should not watch football. Running around the field partially naked is a sin. Betting on which team wins is unfair. To treat the fans of the other team “not brotherly” is ignoble. And it’s completely unforgivable to use swear words during a match.

“We will not tolerate such an attitude to the broadcasts of our team’s games,” Ibrahim Algova, representative of the Saudi Arabian national team, told Izvestia. “The prophet Muhammad himself blessed us to play soccer. When we fought with the team from Tunisia, thousands of compatriots cheered for us. what would they do if someone didn’t let them watch the match? "

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